Finding Your Tribe

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

When in transition and on the journey to discover your new church family, it is important to choose a healthy revival community that is full of Jesus, gives room for the Holy Spirit to move, gathers around the very presence of God, and feels like family to you. You want to be planted somewhere that you are received as the gift that you are. It is also important to play your part and serve the body of Christ, breaking off consumer Christianity. Sometimes God will hide you from being seen by leadership because it’s either not your time or it’s not your fit. It is important to invite the Holy Spirit into your process to direct you to your new spiritual family in this season.

We all are the church and that can come in lots of different shapes and sizes (1 Peter 2:5). Ultimately, the kingdom of God is all about family, however that might look in our day.

Connecting together regularly with the wider Body of Christ and also meeting with our tribe within a tribe are significant keys to our maturity. Once you do find the church community that is a fit, greater growth happens when asking God to highlight a tribe within a tribe. These can then gather outside of the weekly celebration meeting to go deeper together. Some might share a passion for evangelism and want to hit the streets together. Others might be interested in going deeper in the Word or in the Spirit together. Others might want to learn how to step out in the prophetic or healing. Still others may want to simply cultivate a safe place to be family together gathered around God’s presence. The structure itself is not what is most important. The regular meeting together around God’s presence in a smaller more intimate community within a community is what accelerates growth.

It is important to have people in our lives that we can be vulnerable with. We usually find these people we can go deeper with in smaller groups. Cultivating family is essential for growth. This connecting heart to heart is in alignment with and obedience to the Word of God (Hebrews 10:23-25, James 5:16, 1 John 1:7). Connection is key however that might look in this season.

When I was leading Destiny House, where at one point we had up to 21 people living in intentional community (which is too big by the way), we had a Monday night family time where we shared a meal and connected just with each other. Then we also had an open Friday morning worship and ministry time where all were welcome to join. There, we gathered around God’s presence and ministered together as a family. We also went to church on Sundays. I know three meetings a week is not realistic for many in other life situations, but we were all in a season of full-time ministry training, so it worked well for us.

Similar to the rhythm described in the Book of Acts who met together daily (Acts 2:46-47, 5:42) I believe that elements of the rhythm we had at Destiny House can be adapted and integrated into our lives. In addition to regularly going to church, a smaller group can meet once a week or a few times a month to connect at a heart level. Or maybe home groups might meet consistently each week and once a month all meet together for a larger corporate gathering. Maybe some will share a similar rhythm as we did in Destiny House. The structure is not what is important here, the heart and consistency of regularly meeting together is. Connection is crucial because the keys of our destiny are found in intimacy with God and in being deeply connected with our tribe. So however it looks to get connected and go deeper with our tribe, whatever rhythm of life that looks like, it’s important to dive in. I think some of the key questions for us all to ask ourselves are:  

Who am I running with in this season?

Where am I showing up regularly to know and be known together?

If you don’t yet know the answers to these questions, I encourage you to ask God who He is highlighting for you to build with during this season. Then wait on Him and listen to what He says. Once several are highlighted, take some risks to initiate times to connect and grow deeper together and see where God takes it from there.

 In this hour, I believe it is crucial that we find our tribe and then dive in wholeheartedly to run together after the things of God. There is a Billion Soul Harvest on its way. God is shifting and aligning people with their tribe in this season so that they can grow into maturity to help steward and carry this massive revival.

Be encouraged, in this season, you are a perfect fit somewhere, but not everywhere. You are a unique shape. There is a community out there that has a “you” shaped hole. Don’t get discouraged if you try to fit somewhere and it doesn’t quite feel right. Rejection is redirection to somewhere better. God is in charge and over it all. It may take a little time to explore several communities before you find your people to run with. And once you find each other, it may take some time to build those relationships. This investment of time and heart is well worth the effort though because when you do find your tribe, you find your destiny. Keep going and don’t give up, you might just be one more risk away from finding your spiritual family to run with in this season.

You are an important part to what God is getting ready to release over our generation in this end time harvest. You will only be able to step into the fullest measure of your God-given destiny when you are rooted in the family of God (Ephesians 3:20). On this journey of discovery, I pray that you have grace to embark with fresh hope. I declare acceleration over you as you seek Jesus first above all things and take risks to find and grow deeper with the tribe God highlights to you in this season. Blessing you with divine appointments in finding the kindred spirits you were born to run with for such a time as this.

**To learn more about our rhythm of doing life together at Destiny House, see the Walking on Water E-course that goes into great depth with several sessions exclusively about our story and community life there.

Building Rhythms for Healthy Community

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

For the past seven years, I have been a part of building a revival culture in an intentional worshiping community called Destiny House. Every Friday morning, we opened our doors for a worship encounter time and essentially hosted a house church together. Because this has been such a huge part of my life, many might think I would naturally lean toward the deconstruction of the formal church structure and move away from anything “organized” or institutionalized. However, from personal experience of being committed to the wider church at the same time and a recent epiphany when reading the book of Acts, I cannot say that house church is the only way forward, though I do believe it is essential and will play an important role for where God is taking us next. We all are the church and that can come in lots of different shapes and sizes (1 Peter 2:5). Ultimately, the kingdom of God is all about family, however that might look in our day.

I have friends who lead churches, movements, and even stadium events that I fully believe in, support, and have participated in. Because of these things, while I tend to overemphasize the smaller more intimate spaces of connection, I also believe there is something important about the larger gatherings, whether that be weekly celebrations with the wider body of Christ or even stadium events to go after mass evangelism. As we continue together on this journey of reframing what the church can look like in our generation, please note that this article is an invitation into my current thought process which is still being shaped. I am also not trying to define what church is here but may attempt that another time. I look forward to the dialogue that will come.

Since we are all members of the Body of Christ, it is important we stay connected to Him and to each other, so we can fulfill His purposes on the earth (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). Each one of us plays a special role in what God is doing in our generation. We need each other to be able to step into the fulness of our destinies (Ephesians 3:20). Both church gatherings with the entire community coming together and cultivating revival in family around God’s presence in smaller settings can go side by side to strengthen our connection as the Body of Christ.

During an in-depth study in the book of Acts, some Scriptures stood out for me that demonstrate the value for both larger formal gatherings with corporate direction and the more spontaneous organic ones that take place in smaller settings (this is a generalization). After Pentecost when many were added to the church, to continue to steward the fire they had just received, the Christians in the early church

Continued daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:46-47

A little later in Acts 5, Peter and the other apostles were imprisoned, beaten, and told to be silent for their faith. They left that persecution rejoicing for being found worthy to co-suffer for the sake of Christ. Right after this in Acts 5:42 it says, “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”

The apostles in the book of Acts gathered in the temple, or what we might call a more organized place of worship or church, to proclaim the gospel and they also met in private homes to disciple the new converts. They realized the importance of meeting together in the wider corporate meetings to teach the truth and share vision and also saw significance in nurturing the newer believers in the smaller setting of a home. The rhythm of the Christian life in the early church was not either larger gatherings or house meetings for connection in the midst of the move of God, it was both and more.  


Acts provides us with a paradigm for healthy growth and discipleship within the Body of Christ. Wider church celebrations are just one leg of building healthy community. The other leg is meeting together in smaller groups in the intimate space of the home or other place. Location is not important. Connection is, no matter how that might look. Having a balance of both corporate times to be together to worship as well as making time to connect in smaller groups so that each one is fully known, can be important elements in spiritual growth. It is easy to go to a weekend celebration service and hide in the back. But in a smaller setting, each person has the opportunity to be seen and loved at a deeper level. And at the same time, if one only shows up at a house church that is in isolation from the wider body of Christ, it has the potential to become ingrown and get weird.

If we were to lean heavily or only on one of these legs, either the larger church gatherings or the smaller homegroup meetings, there would be an imbalance, and something would still be missing. It’s hard to run with only one leg. It’s not a question of either big church or small group house meeting, but it’s a both/and more opportunity to be walking, and running, in the fullness of what God intended for us as the Body of Christ. God is always moving. We need two legs to swiftly run after Him.

In this dialogue of exploring what it looks like to become the Body of Christ in the fullest measure, I pray that God surrounds you with your people to run with in this season. May you discover your tribe within a tribe so that you can grow into the full maturity of all that God has destined for you.

*To dive a bit deeper into learning how to find your tribe and also developing rhythms of doing life together, see blog entitled Finding Your Tribe.

**To learn more about our rhythm of doing life together at Destiny House go here or get access to the Walking on Water E-course that goes into great depth with several sessions exclusively about our story and community life there.

Aimee Semple McPherson's Home & Legacy

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

This week I had the opportunity to visit the home of Aimee Semple McPherson, a healing evangelist who has pioneered and paved the way for women in ministry. I was like a kid in a candy store when I walked in. So much epic revival history in the same place I was born at. We had a wonderful tour by Jackie who is in her 80s and still as vibrant as ever. So inspiring to see how she partners with the Holy Spirit to welcome people into Aimee’s home. This home in the heart of Los Angeles carries so much peace and glory.

At the end of our tour, we got to play a few worship songs on Aimee’s piano and the presence of God was so thick there. At one point a few dropped to their knees and God ministered beautiful healing and encounter right there in Aimee’s living room. When we walked out of the doors, it literally felt like we walked out of one heavenly glory realm back into the real world. It was such a sharp contrast. I love how God decided to send Aimee all the way over from Canada to dig a deep well in the heart of the City of Angels.

Even though I have studied Aimee’s life and even taught classes on her legacy, this was the first time I made the trip to visit her home. It was also so special to have two passionate Jesus loving friends, Tiffany and Yesenia, join me on this adventure. Here’s some pictures and a little more about Aimee’s legacy below.

Oh, Lord, I am so hungry for your Holy Spirit. You have told me that in the day when I seek you with my whole heart you will be found by me. Now, Lord, I am going to stay right here until you pour out upon me the promise of the Holy Spirit for whom you commanded me to tarry, if I die of starvation. I am so hungry for Him I can’t wait another day. I will not eat another meal until you baptize me.
— Aimee Semple McPherson about her 1908 Spirit Baptism encounter

Aimee moved to Los Angeles where she felt called to build a large church with only $5,000 right before the Great Depression. This got finished and fully paid off in cash. She also fed more people than the Red Cross during that time. Aimee became the first woman preacher on the radio. She was also friends with many movie stars who attended her church. She was known for presenting the gospel in a creative way that spoke to the culture of her time. Angelus Temple later released missionaries around the world and birthed the Foursquare movement which is continuing to impact the world for Christ today.

When Canadian born Aimee felt called to plant her roots in California, she tapped into a gold mine of apostolic inheritance deep within this land. So many powerful and radical Holy Spirit movements have since been birthed in this soil. From the Jesus People Movement with Lonnie Frisbee to Calvary Chapel with Chuck Smith to the Vineyard Movement with John Wimber to Iris Global with Heidi & Rolland Baker to Bethel Church with Bill Johnson and so on. And we must not forget what came before all of these in 1906 when a little band of friends hungry to see a move of God in their day who were desperate for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit gathered at a little house in Los Angeles. From that little Holy Ghost prayer meeting led by a one eyed African American man, son of slaves, William J. Seymour, the Azusa Street Revival was born.

I could go on and on about the rich revival history in California but I do want to say that God is doing a new thing in this land of revival for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. The nations will once again be shaken by the mighty move of God that’s being birthed here in our era. May hunger for more of the Holy Spirit, which was at the foundation of most of these movements, lead us to a place of unyielding courage to run after Jesus with everything inside of us today.

*To learn more about Aimee’s legacy, there’s a whole chapter on her life in Bill Johnson’s Defining Moments. And to learn more about the move of God in California at the Azusa Street Revival, see Ignite Azusa below.

Destiny House Redding Launched into its Destiny

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD, former Founding Director of Destiny House

I began to write my first book Silver to Gold nearly two decades ago. That book took me over seven years to write. As time went on and there were other things in my life I wanted to do, I realized that even though I didn’t feel the book was perfect, it was complete and I need to finish it. I felt that God was inviting me into a new season that I needed to make space for. Not long after I released Silver to Gold, next came Spirit Flood, then Life on Wings, then Defining Moments, Writing in the Glory, Ignite Azusa, Walking on Water and more. 

In a similar way of finishing one book to begin a new one, after seven years, today I announce that this marks the completion of the story of Destiny House in Redding as an official ministry (February 18, 2012-May 6, 2019). This is sad in one way because it was such a precious season that has forever marked my life. In another way (only since I’ve had a whole year to grieve, process, and accept the transition), it is also exciting because whenever God asks us to let go of something, it’s an invitation to experience more of His glory in new season.

I do not believe that ending Destiny House after its seventh year is not a death in anyway. Rather, it’s a completion of a season. It’s a finishing well of an assignment from Heaven. It is an ending of one chapter and an invitation to a whole new chapter. It is the end of one structure, and the beginning of a new one. It is letting go of the old wine skin and embracing the new one so that we can we drink the new wine together. From covenant friendships to ministries to healing to creativity to freedom to art to dance to voices being restored to Reformation fire to finding family, Destiny House Redding has completed its good work during its time in Redding.

Just like how the Welsh Revival is still releasing encounters over 100 years later, we believe that what was cultivated in Destiny House will do the same as we continue to steward the testimonies and carry the DNA of what we experienced together. While the functioning structure of what Destiny House looked like with Friday morning worship times at the house on Placer Street will no longer exist in its previous form, the 100 year vision for worship to be released in the context of family and the multiplication of worshipping communities around the world is still very much alive, it will just take a different shape.

Throughout this journey with Destiny House, one of the most important things we have learned is that it’s all about Jesus and family. In our journey together, we discovered that we are the Living Stones; it’s not about a place but it’s about a People. While structures are important, at the end of the day God is building each one of us up and fitting us together, connecting our lives together to build a habitation for Him to come and dwell. We ourselves are the temples of the living God. It’s not confined to one space or location. Wherever we go, we are the houses that releases destiny.

Though we are completing one season, the legacy of Destiny House will live on. The testimonies of what God has released in this tribe are timeless and the lives that have been transformed are many. We are grateful for such a sweet season together in Redding and are now looking forward with anticipation to being launched into a greater measure of our destiny, taking what we learned in Destiny House to the nations and to all environments to see Jesus be the center of it all.  

We are greatly indebted to each one who has lived with or run with the Destiny House tribe for a season and helped cultivate the well of intimacy with Jesus with us. We are grateful to each one who has sown their talents, presence, resources into helping us become the people God has created us to be and helping us release revival through family around the world. We believe there will be eternal rewards and that a great blessing will rest upon each one who has joined us for any part of our journey. As we transition into His greater glory and are launched into a greater measure of our destiny, we believe and pray the same will happen to you. Thanks for believing in us and stewarding a heart for pure worship and adoration to Jesus. We love you and will see you in the nations.

 To learn more off how this transition unfolded, see:

Living Stones: Open Letter about Changes in Destiny House June 17, 2018 written from Mozambique, Africa
My Crazy Life: Destiny House and Personal Update July 17, 2018 written just before moving out of both Destiny House and my house in Redding to Maui for a short sabbatical that got extended.

Destiny House Passing the Torch to YWAM

On April 30, 2019, some of the Destiny House family went to the house on Placer that is now being stewarded by YWAM to share testimonies, bless them with a prophetic painting done by a Destiny House alumni who used to be in YWAM, pass the torch, and worship together with our brothers and sisters in the Lord who are now currently stewarding the house on Placer Street. It was definitely a special night to unite tribes together.


Destiny House Legacy Celebration

On May 4, 2019, we gathered at Annette and Mike Biggers home to complete our 7 year season as running together in the context of Destiny House Redding. We ended where we began, in family gathering around God’s presence. What a special way to complete an epic season, in family from all different generations represented.


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this special season. We would love to hear how you’ve been impacted by what God has done within our community. Please send testimonies to us at to be used for an upcoming project we’re working on to release this legacy around the world.

As for me personally, I am feeling drawn to partner with God to see revival in the nations, especially Europe with Destiny House alumni. More on that as the story unfolds. To learn more of how God shifted my life from Destiny House and Redding into the nations and what He’s been showing me personally during this time, hear a recent message I gave in Texas about Hebrews 12:1-2. Or check out the full podcast with Destiny Worship below.

For the Joy Set Before

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD.

Since last November I have been marked by Hebrews 12:1-2 and have felt it is an important Word for 2019. I have been compelled to release this word recently on my journey around the world and the nation. In some ways, I feel I have been living this message of throwing off everything that hinders to run after Jesus and the assignments He has given me in this season. While in Fredericksburg, VA I discovered this beautiful painting by Rose Rector and was marked by the phrase "You move Me" written on such an image. The artist gave me permission to share this with you.

Today on Good Friday, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. He said YES to His God-given assignments because you and I were the JOY set before Him. We were what moved Jesus to endure such suffering. What great worth He places on our lives. It was connection with us that moved Him each step of the way as He carried His cross, was mocked, beaten, ridiculed, and had nails driven into His hands and feet. I'm undone by such great love. It has forever marked and changed my life.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross,scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2

This is our time to throw off everything that hinders, even the good things, and run the race set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus. Today is a great day to renew our vows and give a fresh YES to Jesus. He is awakening hearts and inviting us to come closer. Even if we don't get one more breakthrough in our lives or have one more prayer answered, when we have Jesus we have everything. He has already given us way more than we deserve. His blood paid for it all. May you receive His unyielding love afresh today and may you embrace the gift of Jesus in the deepest places.

Jennifer MiskovJesus
Move of God in Fredericksburg, Virginia

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

When we create space for God to move, He always does. It’s wonderful. People get touched, healed, and marked by His love. And then there’s those times when we get caught up into a momentum that is so much bigger than anyone could imagine. That’s when we see a move of God take place where all we want to do is stay out of the way so we don’t hinder what God is doing. Well, this weekend in Fredericksburg, Virginia we experienced all of these scenarios. God moved in a special way when we created space for Him to move and we also experienced a tangible move of God. I give a brief overview and then highlight the youth meeting in detail below. Enjoy the ride!

Friday Encounter Revival Night

The Friday night Revival meeting was so tender as we cultivated space to simply be in His presence together. Kim Hager was leading worship during the encounter and ministry time as seen in photo above. To access some of her music go HERE.

Writing in the Glory Workshop

On Saturday during the impartation time in the Writing in the Glory workshop, God crashed in and marked people with His power and unlocked their voices. We also had our youngest graduate who was a two month old baby named Revival join us! I am literally carrying Revival in that picture!!!



In the Sunday morning church service, I shared from my recent transition the need to throw off everything that hinders, even the good things, and run the race with endurance keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2). Here’s a 2 minute clip to encourage you below to step into the gold God has for you in this season.

I Give You My Yes

Then on Sunday night with the youth group, we experienced a unique move of God unfold before our very eyes.

Immediately following the meeting that evening at 11:54 pm on March 31, 2019, I wrote the following account:

I just left the prayer room tonight at 11pm. I went there at 6pm for a youth meeting, my last event after a packed weekend of a revival encounter night, writing in the glory workshop, and preaching at church this morning. To be honest, I was pretty tired and had no idea what I was going to share this evening. I was grateful to get time in God’s presence in worship to hear His agenda for the night. It was during that time that I began to get downloads for the evening.

Then after worship, I did something I’ve never really done before in a meeting. At the very beginning of my talk, I gathered all of the youth up to the front and then invited them to sit down as if we were encircling around a camp fire, except we were going to camp around God’s presence and I was going to tell Holy Ghost stories. I started by sharing about the Welsh Revival and how it was really catalyzed by a teenage girl named Florrie Evans who, in her youth group, boldly declared that she loved Jesus with all her heart. This declaration of love lit a flame which spread to Evan Roberts who eventually stewarded and led the revival that in only 4 months brought in over 100,000 salvations.

Then I shared a little bit about the Azusa Street Revival and what happened when a handful of people gathered together in a home with their only agenda to encounter God. Revival broke out from that little house on Bonnie Brae Street in Los Angeles in 1906 and has impacted us generations later. I shared briefly about Pandita Ramabai in India and the revival that broke out at her orphanage. When the children were praying and going after God one night, what appeared to be fire rested on one of the girls and it looked so real that another girl got a bucket of water and was about to throw it on her until she realized that it was the fire of God. (I found out later that this youth group had experienced something similar on their youth retreat not long before). I next shared my Miracle Flight story and how one yes can lead to another yes and can actually have ripple effects beyond what we could even see.


After encouraging them to all stand and put out their hands to receive, I prayed for a fresh baptism of the Spirit and fire. Then after God was touching them, I felt to create space for the youth to share anything they felt was a corporate word of encouragement for the group. A few shared their hearts and what God had shown them which was so good. Then I felt there was a guy supposed to share, especially since all of those who came up were girls. After a while when no one came up, a girl came up with tears in her eyes to share and encourage people to give God even their weak yes (thank God she didn’t let the barrier of not fitting the description hold her back from releasing what God was burdening on her heart to release). This was the Holy Spirit’s direction for what would take place next.

Then the Spirit led to open up the microphone and an invitation for whoever felt to come up and say their renewed yes to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. This was a prophetic act that I believed would unlock something. Then I stood there amazed as I watched a tangible move of God take place with this youth group.

One by one, they slowly came up and said their yes to follow Jesus with their whole hearts. They did not rush up to the microphone to say yes flippantly, but really considered and counted the cost before stepping out. These were already Christians so it was no altar call for salvation but for wholehearted yieldedness and consecration. It was a laying down of their lives to say yes to whatever God called them to. Many were weeping. Even some who never made it up to say yes were weeping. Whenever one spoke out their yes, it was important to cover them in prayer. As we continued to wait on God, many were kneeling and weeping before the Lord while others were hugging and praying for their friends.

I had never experienced anything like this before in my life in a youth group. Whenever I release the Welsh Revival or the Azusa Revival, something powerful and deep always happens. This time it was both revivals released at the same night with a youth group that was hungry for God and even preparing to send several into Iraq to release worship there. It was one of those moments of stepping into a momentum so great where everyone just gets swept up into God’s divine purposes.

Many of the youth stayed kneeling or positioning themselves to encounter God even as parents showed up. Youth group was supposed to end around 8pm but even until 9pm many of the youth were still encountering God and getting marked by His consecrated fire. Around 9:30 or 10, there was just a handful of youth left along with some parents and youth leaders present. Then one of the beautiful girls who was on the youth team to the Middle East leaving this week, went to the piano and with tears in her eyes played and sang out to Jesus and also flowed in prophetic intercession over the sons and daughters in the Middle East that are so loved by God (her mother told me that this was the first time she had ever stepped out to do something like this). Another girl got up and danced which I found out later she had not done for a year. Then we just sat there and soaked in God’s presence as these beautiful surrendered lovers of Jesus worshiped for another hour. Their moms were getting wrecked in the back watching their daughters flow so freely and yielded to the Holy Spirit. I ended up leaving at 11pm and they were still going. There was so much freedom in the house. The next day I found out that they stayed worshipping there until 1:00 a.m.


While I see God move every time we create space and give Him room to come in our meetings, I don’t always see or experience a tangible move of God as profound as this one. It feels like we stepped into something so much bigger than ourselves. I’m so grateful for the timing and opportunity to witness and be swept up in this move of God here for such a time as this. What a deep well this place is and I’m so excited for the new season God is inviting them into.


Watch the video below at minute 7:00-17:00 to see some of the testimonies from the youth that they released the next evening in the prayer meeting.

I am so thankful for Kim Hager welcoming me to minister in this city and launching the pioneering Walking on Water groups here, David Bradshaw for what he has built and cultivated here, Aaron the youth pastor who has been making room for the Holy Spirit and is hungry to see God move, Havilah for the courage to say yes, Susan for welcoming me in the women’s ministry, Scott Bradshaw for the revival history tour, Bill & Nancy for hosting me, Liz for that epic massage, Emily for those timeless stories, Joan Hutter for introducing me to the inheritance in Virginia and coming out twice to support what God is doing in Fredericksburg, and everyone who was a part of making this such an unforgettable week.  I am excited for what God is doing and continuing to do in greater measures here in Virginia. May all who read this receive a fresh wind of the Spirit and a deeper fire of consecration marking you so you are ready and perfectly positioned to steward the incoming harvest that is already upon us. All for His glory, Holy Spirit come!

*If you want to learn more about the Azusa Street Revival, The Welsh Revival, and Pandita Ramabai’s revival in India, check out Ignite Azusa or join our School of Pioneering Revival

Born to Shine! A Revival Generation - with a Name and a Face

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.


Confessions of a Revival Historian

For the last decade, I have heard so many beautiful people talk about how they want a to be a part of a “Nameless Faceless” revival generation. While I love the heart behind this in that everyone gets to do “the stuff” (signs, wonders, and miracles) and that we are all seeking to make the name of Jesus famous, when I read the Bible, I don’t see a nameless faceless revival generation. I read about Moses, Joshua, Caleb, David, Ruth, Naomi, Elijah, Paul, Peter, Mary, and others who have both a name and a face who have answered the call on their lives.

In every move of God I’ve studied from the Reformation to the Great Awakening to the Healing Movement to the Welsh Revival to the Azusa Street Revival, I discover leaders like Martin Luther, John Wesley, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Evan Roberts, William J. Seymour, Aimee Semple McPherson and other heroes of the faith. These are the names of those who were appointed by God to lead their generation into its prophetic destiny. In each revival throughout history I have studied, there are people God raises up and anoints to lead, steward, and inspire a generation to step into their destiny. These leaders have a name and a face.

Each one of these leaders who partnered with seeing revival in their day had to at first say yes to answering His call. Even though they were imperfect, felt unworthy, and many times were afraid to lead, they stepped through their fears to be obedient. Their devotion to God was greater than their fear; they overcame their insecurities to walk in obedience. The fact that we know their stories of both triumphs and failures gives us hope that we too can step into all that God has for us.

In each generation, there are some (though not all) who have a special anointing upon their life for leadership and spiritual mothering and fathering. These are ones that God is entrusting with influencing their generations as they partner with the Holy Spirit to steward the move of God in their day. We need to know these people by name. We need to see their faces and understand their rhythms of life. We need to pray for them. Paul said to imitate him as he imitated Christ. In the same way, we need leaders in our lives that we can learn from (1 Corinthians 11:1; Hebrews 13:7).

One of the reasons I believe the terminology around a Nameless Faceless revival generation can be damaging if not understood in the proper context is because it can hold back born leaders from stepping into the leadership influence they are destined for. This thinking if misunderstood can cripple set apart ones from arising and shining and becoming the people God has intended them to be. If we embrace a nameless and faceless generation terminology without understanding the heart behind it in that everyone gets to do the stuff, it can potentially contribute to absolving the need of leaders to take responsibility. Even though it’s all about Jesus and everyone is carrying the revival together, even in this it’s important for each one to take their place and for some to step into their God ordained leadership influence rather than partner with fear of step on each other’s toes. If there’s hesitation or reluctance of leaders stepping up and being the gift they were born to be we run the risk of losing momentum.

We can’t afford to let fear or false humility hold us back from stepping into what we are born for and our God given assignments. We are called to prepare, position ourselves, partner together, and steward what God pours out in our lives and in our generation for the purpose of making Jesus famous. And some are called by God to lead. Leading is all about laying our lives down in service for the people God has entrusted us to influence. We lead, not to make a name for ourselves, but to partner with Heaven to see God’s kingdom come. I want to see a JESUS REVOLUTION take place in our day where everyone plays their parts all for the glory of King Jesus.


Saying Yes

Personally, I used to struggle to realize that I was a leader because I wanted it to all be about Jesus, not about me. It took years and some friends to speak into my life to help open my eyes to the fact that I was being used by God to help influence many into greater depths of God’s heart.

I didn’t want there to be any attention on myself, only Jesus, so I thought maybe it would be better if I just hid back in some corner and tried to disappear. I worked so hard to be invisible and to not step into the leadership influence entrusted to me. Then I realized that trying to be like Moses by “putting a veil over my face” and hiding the glory upon my life takes a lot of work. Hiding a bright light doesn’t really work and it just gets really awkward to all present. I came to the point in my life where even though I felt insecure, not worthy, and for sure did not feel like the most anointed one to lead, I realized that God had entrusted me with something special that He was appointing me to steward. I realized that whether I felt adequate or not, I needed to trust and obey God more, even if that meant stepping out to lead what I felt so unworthy of.

Sometimes I think that in extreme self-sacrifice where we surrender everything for the sake of trying not to make a name for ourselves, we can sometimes sabotage the influence God’s called us to steward for the sake of His glory. Or at least that’s a struggle I’ve had to face time and time again.

A few years ago, I remember the time I was with a friend in Texas doing a pre-meeting for a small stadium event. During this meeting, several pastors from the region were on the stage preaching their hearts out, very loudly and with great charisma. I was in the back of the room, bombarded with so many lies of the enemy and insecurities. I was questioning what I was doing there and was feeling so small and insignificant. One of the pastors was speaking about how we need to “kill the goliaths” in front of us. I was ready to respond to the call because I felt the “giants” were taking me down and I needed victory. When I went up toward the front for that altar call, the pastor saw that I was there and directed me to pray for those who had come up. Then something immediately shifted. I was awakened to remember who I was and why I was there in the first place. I started praying for people and was reminded that I was a leader who God had entrusted to come on this ministry trip to support what He was doing there. 

Then after several of the leaders had spoken, some even marching around the church waving a flag and “stomping out the devil,” I remember thinking, I really don’t want to speak, I have nothing to say, I am nothing like these crazy Texans (but oh how I love them!). Then one of the leaders invited me to the stage to share. I knew at that moment that I had a decision to make. Would I believe the lies of insignificance or would I say yes to the invitation to speak? I realized in that moment that regardless of how inadequate I felt, it was God who was making space for me and giving me the microphone. So I said yes.  

Then I had another decision to make. Would I try to be like all of the other vibrant preachers who stepped on the stage full of excitement with great charisma, or would I just be the unique gift that I am which I know would look different. I chose in that moment to trust that if they had invited me to the stage, I would just be me. So I took the microphone and walked to the middle of the platform. I got down on my knees and in a gentle way welcomed the Holy Spirit to come. I waited on the Lord and asked for a fresh baptism of the Father’s love to descend upon the people. Then the whole atmosphere shifted. It became silent in the room and people began to weep. There was a beautiful outpouring of God’s deep healing and purifying fire released in the room. God moved in a special and unique way. Even though all of our styles of ministry were so different, because we were unified as the body of Christ, everything flowed and fit together so beautifully.


So to my friends and pioneers alike who feel insecure, unworthy, unseen, inadequate, ill-equipped, and afraid to stand out from the crowd to lead, I have a word of encouragement for you. It’s not about you or whether you are good enough or not. It’s about simple obedience to answer the call of God and to trust Him to be your Protector.  

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV) 

“Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” Philippians 2:14-16 (NIV)

You are born to shine. And some of you are born to shine by a being a leader.

God is commissioning some of you reading this right now to be generals and spiritual mothers and fathers in this new wave of revival, not for your own glory but for the glory of King Jesus. If you feel you have an anointing upon your life to lead, don’t be afraid to arise and shine. This generation needs you to be fully consecrated and set apart for every assignment God has commissioned you to step into (Ephesians 2:10). By leading your generation into more of God’s presence and power, many will be inspired to fall more in love with Jesus. By fully being the leader you are destined to be, God gets greater glory.

As you step through fear and focus on His face, I pray you come to realize that you too have a face and a name which are both so significant to God (Exodus 33:7, 1 Samuel 3, Isaiah 43:1, 49:1; John 10:3). The incoming harvest is great and each person needs to take their rightful place to steward what’s coming and already upon us. Life is too short and the price Jesus paid is too costly to not become all that He has created you to be today. You are a unique gift to this world. It’s time to come out of hiding. Now is your time. Shine on!

“Rise up and shine, for your light has come. The shining-greatness of the Lord has risen upon you. For see, darkness will cover the earth. Much darkness will cover the people. But the Lord will rise upon you, and His shining-greatness will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1-2 (NLV) 

Hello, my name is Jen.

I have a face and I am born for revival.

It’s nice to meet you.

What’s your name? and what are you born for?  


*To get equipped, receive impartation, be released into even more of your calling, and partner with stewarding the incoming harvest, check out our School of Pioneering Revival.

History in the Making at Weycroft Hall, a Revival Well in England

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. (March 8-10, 2019 recap)

Encounter Night

What a special honor to be invited to Weycroft Hall, a historic place of refuge for the persecuted Lollards who were following the ways of Reformer John Wycliffe many years back. God is stirring up the waters and uncovering the stones to release a fresh move of the Spirit through this well of revival in England.

We were welcomed by such wonderful hosts and family there. The first night we did an encounter night and waited on the Holy Spirit. God entered into the space and touched hearts deeply. He stirred up greater hunger and met people where they were at. He also ignited a fresh consecration in hearts.  


Weycroft Making History by hosting the 1st Writing in the Glory Working in the U.K.

Then on Saturday, we did the first ever Writing in the Glory Workshop outside of the U.S.A.! I love that it was England who pioneered the first international workshop and broke it open for the nations to be catalyzed. This is special to me because England feels like my home away from home since living here and doing my Ph.D. several years back. It was also special that the workshop was hosted in an old well of revival. My heart loves everything about this synergy!


We also had our youngest graduate today who was 4 months old named Joshua and followed by Faith at 11 years old. If that’s not prophetic I don’t know what is!

I am excited to see what books and movements will come forth from what was released that day. It was such an honor to sow back in and invest in a land of revival that has given me so much.


BSSM Alumni Gathering

Later that day, we gathered some of the British Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry students together to connect and have time together. So special to have family around the world and see how expansive the tribe is.


Sunday Church

Sunday morning we got to minister at the service and see God move again. It felt so much like family there. Nobody trying to make anything happen or follow rules or traditions, simply a group of people gathering to encounter and know God more together.


I’m so grateful for Tim, Ruth and their incredible tribe of 7 little ones releasing revival in this nation by saying yes to the still small promptings of the Holy Spirit, Vince & Clio for welcoming us by saying “Come on in and break anything,” everyone at Weycroft Hall, and Mary T & Kelly-Joy for helping to organize such a special weekend and pour out their lives to encourage this community and sow back into their own nation. Can’t wait to come back!

George Müller and His Radical Trust in God

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

George Müller (1805-1898) pioneered some of the earliest Faith homes in Bristol, England in 1835 when he was led by compassion to care for the orphans in his day. He never once asked for money but only prayed to God for all his needs according to the truth in Philippians 4:19. He sat amazed as he watched God bring in over 1.5 million pounds (which would rightly be 86 million pounds today) so he could fulfill the call of his life and take in the over 18,000 children who needed care.

In the last couple decades of his life, instead of choosing to retire and cease his ministry, he decided to itinerant preach around the world sharing testimonies of all God had done in his orphanages and releasing great faith and impartation for people to trust God and step into the fullness of their callings regardless lack.

It was such a privilege to be in Bristol and learn more about this man of great faith who inspired one of my heroes, Carrie Judd Montgomery, to model her healing glory homes also trusting in God alone to provide.

Blessing you today as you keep your eyes on Jesus and follow the leading of the Spirit regardless of opposing circumstances putting all your trust in a good Father.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians‬ ‭4:19‬ (NIV‬‬)

*See also pages 29-30 in Life on Wings: The Forgotten Life and Theology of Carrie Judd Montgomery to learn more of the development of how this principal of trust in God alone to provide got weaved into the healing home movement.

BELGIUM: Ripe for Revival

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

I had the opportunity to celebrate my birthday in Belgium this year! It was fun to be able to stay in the upper room of the Brussels House of Prayer also to celebrate my the 7 year anniversary of Destiny House. I woke up on my birthday to a tray of breakfast treats, white roses, and a card from Rachel and Roger at the Brussels House of Prayer as well as a hilarious birthday video from a special family in Australia all sending me birthday love and several texts from family and friends. Then in the evening I got a surprise video from Laura of some of the Destiny House family around the world who recorded a special video message for me. This touched my heart and was so very special to me. This was followed by a birthday dinner where even my French cousin who lives in Belgium joined us and made the best chocolate birthday tart ever. After dinner, we did some worship and a blessing over me to end the evening. I’m so blessed and thankful for how God provides family even when I’m around the world.


Here’s a recap of my time in Belgium and a few of the things that God did. Tuesday evening, I was blessed to be a part of a house meeting of ladies all in various leadership roles where we just gathered to encounter God. I discovered that many of them were from the Congo or Rwanda which was a treat to be surrounded by the African fire in this nation. Thursday evening, I had the chance to join in worship at the Brussels House of Prayer and my team from the U.K. arrived to join my ministry trip here, Mary T. and Kelly-Joy who helped me with my Pioneering Revival class I led at BSSM several years ago. In the house of prayer, we discovered that God linked us up with a family that has a very similar vision as Destiny House, so it instantly felt like home here. Friday at lunch time we had the opportunity to go into the EU Parliament for a time of prayer and worship over this nation and the leaders here. That was such an honor.


Friday evening was one of my favorite nights in Belgium. It was the first big meeting we were doing that was organized by Mualdo of Ignite Church who was gracious to invite and host us in this nation. We gathered leaders from the region, had a powerful time of worship where there was space created for a beautiful dancer to release the glory, then I shared on how to position ourselves for the incoming revival, how Mary chose the better thing to remain at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10), and the importance of keeping our lamps full of oil (Matthew 25). There was such hunger in the packed room of leaders from different regions and members of the church. The fire of God fell and marked many in a profound way. Mualdo had all the leaders come up to the front and after they received the fire of God, they prayed for everyone else there. It was powerful and it felt like we got to be a part of birthing something special in that nation as it was their first revival encounter meeting held there, but I am sure not their last.


The next day after some touring around the city, we went outside the city to a church that hosted a Youth Explosion Night. There I shared about Peter stepping outside of the boat to meet Jesus in the storm and there was a call for those who felt called to be a revivalist. Many youth and young adults were marked with a fresh fire to be consecrated to the Lord and burn for Jesus all their days. God raised up several revivalists that night.


Sunday morning, we got to minister at Ignite Church and the Holy Spirit moved in a special way. I shared the story from John 12 about the woman who broke the alabaster jar to pour on the feet of Jesus and how He is inviting us to give Him worship that costs us something. After sharing my heart, we created space for each person to make a declaration of what they are born for. These acts of courage were a powerful time of people getting set free from fear and stepping out of their boxes to shine. God moved in such a special way.


Sunday afternoon we had the opportunity to minister at a Pilipino church in the area. There was such beautiful hunger there. I shared about Exodus 33 and the need to make sure that as we step into our destinies and even into revival that we make sure God’s presence is there and He is leading. We don’t want to step into the Promised Land in our lives if God does not go there with us. Then Mary T. gave a word on stepping out in courage and not being afraid to shine followed by Laura preaching the gospel and getting everyone fired up to run after Jesus with everything inside. Mualdo closed the meeting with fire and passion, praying for the nation and linking arms together.


I experienced such hunger and unity in Belgium. This nation is truly on the verge of a great revival. God is preparing His people to carry what He’s about to pour out in an extreme measure over this land. We were so blessed to gather some of the hungriest in the region to come and burn for Jesus together. This is a trip I will never forget and am so grateful to have been received and embraced here. Please continue to pray for the destiny of Belgium to be unfolded and for revival to sweep through this land and spread to the surrounding nations and beyond.

Jennifer MiskovBelgium, Brussels