Are you ready for a life changing encounter with God?
Join our Walking on Water Encounter Experience alongside the School of Revival Family
LIVE Debriefs Thursday at 5pm PT
September 26-October 31, 2024
*All session recorded if you can’t join live.
This module is all about stewarding the oil of intimacy with Jesus and is for anyone who is hungry to encounter more of God and wants to gather around others who are on fire for God.
Register for the Ecourse to get access to our live debrief time together. You will receive an email with the Zoom links and more details leading up until our first session.
What You Will Learn
How to cultivate intimacy and encounter more of God
How to steward peace
How to burn with revival fire
How to embrace truth that will set you free
How to find your tribe
How to overcome fear to step into your destiny
How to be baptized with the Holy Spirit
How to Pioneer into new territories
*If you would like to purchase the book or ecourse in bulk to bless your church or community, email us at for a special discount.
Over 4 hours of Teaching, Personal Stories, Revival History, Prayer, Impartation, Encounter time, Activations, Questions for Reflection
While most teachings are anywhere from 15-40 minutes long, we suggest to set aside one hour for each Encounter session to give time to process, reflect, encounter God, and go through the extra material.
We highly encourage doing this course with a friend or in a group and it can be done as a 6 week journey or at your own rhythm and pace. This also goes along with the book Walking on Water: Experiencing a Life of Miracles, Courageous Faith & Union with God and there is a 6 week study guide in the new updated edition (2023).
Watch the teaching sessions on your own time and then meet with friends for a time to debrief, connect, receive prayer and prophesy, and welcome the Holy Spirit.
The Secret Place: Developing Intimacy with God
Peace in the Storm: Stewarding Peace
The Art of Letting Go: Surrender Positions for the Fire
Focus: Revival Fire
Follow Your Heart: There are Seeds of Destiny Inside You
Miracle Flight: Stepping out in Faith with family
Family: Find Your Tribe, Find Your Destiny
Hunger: Positioning for a Fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Courage: Launching into the New Season
Prayers by Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, Lou Engle
Encounter session on Fasting
Extended Q & A about Destiny House
Destiny House Worship Session
Walking on Water was written by one of my awesome spiritual daughters. As you open wide to receive her message, you will be marked by God's great love. Jesus is so worth our yes. He is longing for all of our worship. I bless you to be ignited for a fresh fire for intimacy with Jesus as you embark on this journey with the Holy Spirit in Walking on Water.
Heidi Baker, founding director, Iris Global
The Impossible
“I want to encourage you to consider reading a book, Walking on Water by Jennifer Miskov. The heart that Jennifer has is to bring us into a place of real first love relationship with Jesus. This book is a challenge to walk in the impossible. She does a brilliant job in her own lifestyle and in writing in connecting a life of the impossible with intimacy with God. My prayer is that in reading this, God would deeply impact you, me, all of us in our affection for Jesus, our drawing near, and trusting Him to see Him invade the things are that absolutely impossible. That’s my prayer, that’s my blessing. I encourage you to pick up this book.”
Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church Redding
Jennifer Miskov and I met in an old revival home in Oakland where Frank Bartleman, that great intercessor of Azusa, had prayed one hundred years before. I connected with a woman who carries a revivalist heart burning for the miraculous signs-and-wonders history of the great evangelist women of the past to be manifested today. This book will create faith and stir hunger for the deepest levels of union with God so that you and many others will walk in the kind of miracles that must be demonstrated today in our world. Read it and be transformed."
Lou Engle, cofounder and president, TheCall
"Building on concrete and often vulnerable illustrations from her life and the lives of others in history, Jen Miskov inspires us to trust in and wait on the Lord. The Lord who leads us into storms will also meet us there; He is more than enough and is worth everything."
Craig S. Keener, professor of biblical studies, Asbury Theological Seminary
Jen’s book Walking on Water is the right message in the right season! I pray that as you read this book you find your heart becoming fully awakened to the fiery passionate love Jesus has always had for you! I pray that you would become so caught up in His love that everything else becomes of little significance in light of this all consuming love! May Jesus consume your thoughts, the air you breathe, and become your very life source!
I pray that like Peter, you would not stay in your boat but rather risk it all so that this generation would know your lover the way you are experiencing Him!
Live the abundant life that was promised to you in John10:10! Fulfill the mandate on your life! Lay it all down and stop at nothing until your generation has experienced His amazing love! Blessing you with a great awakening deep within your spirit.
Mark Brookes, First Year Overseer, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry
"I have known Jen for many years and have witnessed firsthand how her love for Jesus and her love for others has radically impacted and shaped thousands of lives around the world. When I was reading Walking on Water, I saw a vision of a wheel with spokes connecting to a hub. I saw each chapter in her book like a spoke on a wheel that was focused on Jesus as the hub that holds everything together. Jen connects each truth with the One who is Truth Himself. I am excited about the way Jen presents the book because each spiritual principle she reveals leads us back to Jesus, who is the Source of it all. In Walking on Water, you will not only receive great spiritual insight, but also be led to know Him more intimately. I trust and pray that this book will impact your life and inspire you to bring others to know Jesus, influencing many now and also for eternity."
Mel Tari, author, Like a Mighty Wind
"Jesus tells us that the only way we will bear good fruit in our lives is if we abide in Him. That is the heart and focal point of this book. I have seen firsthand how Jen lives and breathes what she writes. Walking on Water is both inspiring and practical. As you read, may you answer Jesus' invitation to cultivate an insatiable hunger for His presence, and to a lifestyle of intimacy and extraordinary miracles in Him. May you bear great fruit for the Kingdom!"
Dr. Cornelius Quek, founder, 7K and Elisha's Room
"Jen Miskov is passionately in love with God, and her infectious fervor mixed with her love of history and the Church will awaken passions deep within. I strongly urge you to read this book so that you, too, can gain passion, and experience your call as His beloved."
Theresa Dedmon, creative arts pastor, Bethel Church Redding
About Jen
Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., is a Revival Historian, Author, Writing Coach, and Itinerant Minister who loves to lead people into life-changing encounters with Jesus and invite them to experience a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. Jen regularly facilities Writing in the Glory Workshops around the globe to catalyze authors to write their first books. She has supported Bill Johnson in his Defining Moments book as well as has authored Feasting Upon God’s Presence, Sustain the Flame, All Who Are Thirsty, Fasting for Fire, Walking on Water, Ignite Azusa,Writing in the Glory, Life on Wings, Spirit Flood, and Silver to Gold.
Jen loves to lead people into a greater lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus through her writing, teaching, and ministry. She is the founding director School of Revival which is an online school to equip and raise up revivalists around the world. She has her own ministry called Jen Miskov Ministries. She also led a worshiping community called Destiny House from 2012-2019 and later taught at Vanguard University, The King’s University, and BSSM before diving full time into leading School of Revival. She currently lives in Anaheim, CA. She is ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global and received her Ph.D. in Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies from the University of Birmingham, U.K. Learn more about her here.
More Testimonials
"Walking on Water is far more than mere words on a page. It carries a powerful invitation and impartation to become a person of unshakable intimacy and bold faith. The only way to describe my experience reading it was that my heart burned within me. Jen has a special anointing to release hunger through her writing. I found myself wanting to throw down the book and run into my room to be with Jesus, as I felt my spirit being pulled to experience more of God. I love the way Jen writes. She has profound revelation yet expresses it in a way that readers can actually experience for themselves. I am left with a new wave of passion to grow closer to the Lord, having Him truly be my "one thing," and a desire to discover what it really means to live a life of courageous faith. I would highly recommend Walking on Water."
Kelly Joy Brannan, age 23, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry second-year student from England
"Walking on Water captured my heart to burn for the one thing. When reading this book, I had moments when all I could think to do was get away and be with Jesus; it created an urgency and hunger to be alone with the One I loved. This book is about the miraculous flowing from a place of intimacy; it helped to take away the pressure and the striving and reminded me of the simple truth that it is all about Him. Intimacy births adventure. Jen's book softened my heart and strengthened my courage, and I know it will do the same for you."
Mary Thomason, age 30, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry second-year student from England
"When I read Heidi's foreword to Walking on Water and then the introduction, I could feel the fire of God. I managed to get through these, and then I simply could not ignore the burning any longer. I slammed my laptop shut and told the two girls sitting in the lounge with me that this book had wrecked me and that I needed to go to my room to worship. I had an overwhelming hunger for Jesus and a desire to be alone with Him and worship Him. It was such a powerful stirring that I simply could not ignore it. I felt a beautiful fresh surrender happen again in that time of worship and throughout the rest of the book, and I knew God was working in my heart and cleaning house. I started reorganizing my schedule and prioritizing chunks of time to be with Him again. I have been taken back to my first love. From that place of intimacy with Him, I now know that I can step out of the boat.
"This book is key in this season and the times we are living in. We are on the cusp of something big, and we need to make sure union and intimacy are our first and main things! Walking on Water was truly life changing, and it confirmed what has been in my spirit for a while!"
Sarah Hodgkinson, age 30, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry first-year student from South Africa