Face Down in the Mud: Kentucky Tent Meeting Revivals

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph. D.


On July 15-19, I headed to Nicholasville, Kentucky to be a part of a Saturate Global Tent Revival meeting hosted by Parker & Jessi Green. The site was not far from where the Cane Ridge Revival broke out adding flames to the 2nd Great Awakening. 

The meetings were wild. The hunger of people who came out was inspiring. They were so desperate for more of God that some even knelt down or laid prostrate in the mud, calling out for more of Him.

I co-led a session on the revival history of Kentucky starting with the Red River Meeting House where the fire spread to the Cane Ridge Revival birthing the 2nd Great Awakening. Kentuckian Kelsey King tag-teamed the session and brought such a special perspective on the Cane Ridge revival before I began to share about the Asbury University Revivals.


Then, I shared briefly about the Welsh Revival.  Then when I then added testimonies of the Azusa Street Revival on top of the testimonies of the Red River Revival, Cane Ridge Revival, Asbury Revival, and Welsh Revival, something shifted under tent and the power of God fell even more. The synergy of the ages of these revival testimonies poured out into the Kentucky well of revival was catalytic.

When I mentioned the Azusa Street Revival, one young man started to shake and the hunger escalated. People began to call out to God. I welcomed them to come to the front and consecrate themselves wholeheartedly to serve the Lord with their full yes. Then we welcomed a baptism of fire. People were so hungry for God that they even laid down face first prostrate in the mud.

I haven’t seen such hunger in awhile. I personally was moved by their hunger and wondered, would I be brave and desperate enough to be face down in the mud to have more of Jesus?

The Holy Spirit took over the meeting. We heard people calling out to God, then spontaneous singing. God was marking and setting apart revivalists in our day. At one point someone tried to take over the meeting and we even lost power, but God could not be stopped. He was consecrating His pure hearted lovers to be set apart for Him from that day forward.

Then after we closed our session, Jessika Tate stepped right in to share about Blind Bartemaus and took us deeper before Joanne Moody came and administered healing. Those who were in the tent that day didn’t leave. Some started early morning prayer with Mando, did the revival history session with me and Kelsey, stayed for Jessika Tate and Joanne Moody who did healing and deliverance. It was one long encounter and journey I will never forget. People were marked that day with the fire of God and will never be the same again.   

Me with Jessika Tate, Joanne Moody, Kelsey King.

Me with Jessika Tate, Joanne Moody, Kelsey King.

Here’s a very rough, raw, unedited recording of the session. The quality is poor but you can at least get a feel and receive what God poured out. As you listen and dive into the revival history of Kentucky, may you get ignited with fresh fire to burn for Jesus like never before!

More pictures of the hunger present in the Saturate Tent Revival meetings in Kentucky. More testimonies and reports coming soon.

Jennifer Miskov
Red River Meeting House: Birthplace of the 2nd Great Awakening

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., Revival Historian written on location in Kentucky near the Red River Meeting House

God is doing a new thing for such a time as this. This week on the 222 anniversary of the spark of what would later catalyze the 2nd Great Awakening, God is bringing people from around the nation to re-dig this well at the Red River Meeting House in Kentucky where it all began as Parker & Jessi Green with Saturate Global host revival meetings onsite. I have been so blessed to partner for such a time as this.

Dutch Sheets recognizes the significance of these well of revival and says that, “The Red River Meeting House was the place of a great revival in 1800. It led to the great Cane Ridge revival, which led to the Second Great Awakening, which literally saved America. Not just spiritually, but as a nation. Some historians believe every significant revival in the world since then has a connection to the Red River Meeting House.”

In Proverbs 10:5 (TPT), it says, “Know the importance of the season you’re in and a wise son you will be. But what a waste when an incompetent son sleeps through his day of opportunity!”

The Red River Meeting House has been highlighted prophetically for such a time as this. Let me now take you on a little journey through its history as we dive into the well of this revival to see the prophetic significance it has for us today.

Small Beginnings

It was in July of 1799 when God really began to move in a special way in Kentucky when a Presbyterian minister named James McGready responded to the burden on his heart to see revival sweep across his region and the nation. After a short preaching stint in North Carolina where there was heavy opposition to the point where someone burned down his pulpit, and another sent him a threatening letter written in blood, McGready didn’t let this take him out. Instead, he shook off the dust and then headed for Kentucky. 

He arrived in Logan County, Kentucky in around 1797 where he settled in the Red River Community and was given three small churches to lead: Red River, Gasper River, and Muddy River. The region at the time was not the most prominent place to be. It was known as “Rogue's Harbor” or “Satan’s Stronghold” where many felt unsafe to walk the streets.


A Call to Corporate Prayer and Fasting

In light of wanting to see people awakened to the love and fire of God, McGready called all three of his congregations to corporate prayer and fasting. Every Saturday evening and Sunday morning, along with one whole Sabbath each month for a whole year, his community committed to special prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for revival to break out. He even got this remnant to sign a covenant commitment to this call of prayer for revival. When they signed this covenant, they were agreeing to pray for revival until they see it or until they die. As early as 1797, men from James McGready's three churches would spend all day in the woods, heavy under conviction, weeping, and calling out to God to be saved. He continued in this rhythm of corporate prayer and fasting for over two years.



The Embers (July 1799)

Then in July of 1799, revival began to break out at his church in Red River. Sinners began to be overcome with conviction and repent, the Holy Spirit broke out and moved slaying people under the power of God. In a letter written to a friend, James McGready described the meeting these embers emerged that would later lend to the spark that would ignite the flame of the 2nd Great Awakening:

“…our infant congregation remained in a state of deadness and darkness from the fall, through the winter, and until the month of July, 1799, at the administration of the sacrament at Red River. This was a very solemn time throughout. On Monday the power of God seemed to fill the congregation; the boldest, daring sinners in the country covered their faces and wept bitterly. After the congregation was dismissed, a large number of people stayed about the doors, unwilling to go away. Some of the ministers proposed to me to collect the people in the meeting-house again, and perform prayer with them; accordingly we went in, and joined in prayer and exhortation. The mighty power of God came amongst us like a shower from the everlasting hills--God's people were quickened and comforted; yea, some of them were filled with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. Sinners were powerfully alarmed, and some precious souls were brought to feel the pardoning love of Jesus.

At Gasper river the sacrament was administered in August (1799). This was one of the days of the Son of Man, indeed, especially on Monday. I preached a plain gospel sermon on Heb. 11:16, the better country. A great solemnity continued during the sermon. After sermon Mr. Rankin gave a solemn exhortation--the congregation was then dismissed; but the people all kept their seats for a considerable space, whilst awful solemnity appeared in the countenances of a large majority. Presently several persons under deep convictions broke forth into a loud outcry--many fell to the ground, lay powerless, groaning, praying and crying for mercy…”[1]

After these occurrences in 1799, the winter months came and caused things to close down some. But then in the summer of 1800, the embers created a catalytic spark so much so that McGready looked upon the events of 1799 as prelude as to what was to happen in 1800 and said, “the year of 1800 exceeds all that my eyes ever beheld upon earth.” The following year they planned for another four day sacrament camp meeting in Red River, and the results were astounding.


The Catalytic Spark

Red River Meeting House: 1st ever Camp Meeting (June 13-17, 1800)

In a letter to a friend, dated Logan County, Kentucky, October 23, 1801, McGready tells of the

"Commencement and Progress of the Revival of 1800: In June (1800) the sacrament was administered at Red River. This was the greatest time we had ever seen before. As multitudes were struck down under awful conviction; the cries of the distressed filled the whole house. There you might see profane swearers, and sabbath breakers pricked to the heart, and crying out, “what shall we do to be saved?” There frolickers, and dancers crying for mercy. There you might see little children of 10, 11 and 12 years of age praying and crying for redemption, in the blood of Jesus, in agonies of distress. During this sacrament, and until the Tuesday following, 10 persons we believe, were savingly brought home to Christ."

People came from over 100 miles away for the four day communion service, camping in covered wagons. In the final session John McGee stood up to give closing exhortation: “I...exhorted them to let the Lord omnipotent reign in their hearts, and submit to Him, and their souls should live... I turned again and losing sight of fear of man, I went through the house shouting and exhorting with all possible ecstasy and energy, and the floor was soon covered by the slain.” McGready said,

“At a huge evening meeting lighted by flaming torches . . . a Presbyterian pastor gave a throbbing message . . . The power of God seemed to shake the whole assembly. Toward the close of the sermon, the cries of the distressed arose almost as loud as the speaker's voice. After the congregation was dismissed the solemnity increased, till the greater part of the multitude seemed engaged in the most solemn manner. No person seemed to wish to go home- hunger and sleep seems to affect nobody- eternal things were the vast concern. Here awakenings and converting work was to be found in every part of the multitude. Sober professors, who had been communicants for many years, now lying prostrate on the ground, crying out in such language as this: ‘O! How I would have despised any person a few days ago, who would have acted as I am doing now! But I cannot help it!’ Persons of every description, white and black, we’re to be found in every part of the multitude... crying out for mercy in the most extreme distress.”[2]


Bernard A. Weisberger said, “the revival was no passively received blessing. It was a weapon aimed at sin, and it was meant to be used to hit hard.” See another account mentioned below:

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“When the revival began, it began without warning. At a meeting at Red River Meeting House in June of 1800, though some attendees cried and wept, and others fell to the floor under conviction of their sinfulness, and though there were conversions, it seemed, as the last day of the meetings closed, that there would be no great move of God at that time. Disappointed, James McGready and two ministers who had been assisting him left the building. 

A visiting minister from nearby Sumner County, Tennessee, William McGee, looking sorrowfully around, suddenly felt impressed to shout to the people, “Let the Lord God Omnipotent reign in your hearts!” At this, pandemonium broke forth among the congregation. Some of the lost began to scream, others fell to the floor, sometimes writhing, sometimes perfectly still, having swooned, as fainting was called in that day. In modern religious terminology, they had been “slain in the spirit.” Several members went to McGee and urged him to try to stop what was happening, saying that Presbyterians could not allow such goings on. Instead, William McGee went throughout the building, shouting praises to God and encouraging the people to yield themselves wholly to God. Many were changed forever that night. In the words of James McGready, "a mighty effusion of [God's] Spirit" came upon the people, "and the floor was soon covered with the slain; their screams for mercy pierced the heavens."

Heartened by the results of this meeting, another was planned at McGready's Gasper River Church. This was the first planned camp meeting. Volunteers arrived days early to cut away trees and undergrowth around the "meeting house." This was to make room for the people and the wagons that were expected. They did not anticipate what occurred. An enormous crowd, as many as several thousand, arrived at the appointed date. Thirteen wagon loads of people and provisions showed up ready to camp out at this meeting. Whole families had come prepared to camp out for days. Some of these people had traveled over 100 miles, on wilderness roads or trails, to be there. The estimates of the number present ran as high as 8,000 men, women, and children.”[3]

Rev. George Baxter says:

“I think the revival in Kentucky among the most extraordinary that have ever visited the church of Christ, and, all things considered, peculiarly adapted to the circumstances of that country. Infidelity was triumphant and religion on the point of expiring. Something of an extraordinary nature seemed necessary to arrest the attention of giddy people, who were ready to conclude that Christianity was a fable and futurity a dread. The revival has done it. It has confounded infidelity and vice into silence, and brought numbers beyond calculation under serious impressions.”


The Revival Fires spread (Cane Ridge August 1801)

Barton Stone who got saved under McGready’s ministry in North Carolina, would later take what he experienced from McGready’s Red River Revival camp meetings to lead one of the largest Camp meetings happened August 6-13, 1801 in Cane Ridge Meeting House. This historic camp meeting drew in between 10,000 and 20,000 people, 140 wagons, having some people travel over 200 miles. This would have been “nearly 10 percent of the recorded population of Kentucky in 1800.” This spread the 2nd Great Awakening more expansively around the nation. More on Cane Ridge Revival in another revival history sketch to come.


 After people attended the camp meetings, they would then spread the revival back to their own regions. William Booth and the early Salvationists studied the camp meeting. Peter Cartwright got saved at Red River and became a Methodist circuit rider, taking the gospel to people by horseback. Another circuit rider who saw the Holy Spirit moving at this time was the Methodist bishop Francis Asbury, who Asbury College was named after. When he experienced what God was pouring out in these these camp meetings, he saw this could be a prototype to be replicated across the American frontier to host and steward revival.


Recent Prophetic Dreams about Red River Meeting House

It is interesting how a revival that was birthed over two centuries ago is being highlighted in the Spirit for such a time as this. Prophetic voice, Gina Gholston, had several dreams about Red River Meeting House recently where I share excerpts below. The first was in the Summer of 2020 where she recalled:

“I dreamed I was at the Red River Meeting House in Russellville, Kentucky. I had gone through the gate and started walking up the drive toward the Meeting House, when I noticed 100 bald eagles on the grounds… “Hearing a noise behind me, I turned and saw an older well-drilling rig coming through the gate toward the Meeting House. It stopped about halfway up the driveway and parked under the walnut trees where it began drilling. No sooner had the bit been set when, whoosh, the water gushed out in very high, massive amounts!

“I thought, ‘This looks like Old Faithful.’…Then I heard an audible voice speaking about this geyser in front of me: “‘It is set on the rhythm of Heaven’s time clock. And it’s time!’

“As soon as I heard those words, “‘Rapid eye movement: My seers are on the move’ the eagles flew off in every direction, each heading purposefully toward their assignment. As they left, each one flew through the supernatural water, becoming drenched. Incredibly, their feathers never dried as they flew. Wherever they traveled, water would fall off of them-like a rain shower-onto the dry ground over which they flew.

“Back at the Red River Meeting House, the water continued gushing and I, too, became soaked with it. I went into the Meeting House, which had been set up like a command center…

“Suddenly, the dream shifted, and I knew by the Spirit that what was happening at the Red River Meeting House was also taking place at Cane Ridge, Kentucky, and Azusa Street in California! I was then lifted up, and could see a line connecting Cane Ridge and the Red River Meeting House. Another line from each of them went to Azusa. I could see that these lines formed the shape of a spearhead. From the line drawn between Cane Ridge and the Red River Meeting House was yet another, coming from the nation of Wales. It was forming the shaft of the spear.

“This picture was depicting that all four of those places—Wales, Cane Ridge, Red River Meeting House, and Azusa—were connected; and also that what I saw happening at Red River was simultaneously happening at all of them. I was being shown that all of those past moves of God were now being brought together to ‘spearhead’ another greater and more powerful move of God in our time. End of the dream.”[4]


Her second dream about this was on February 2, 2021 where she says:

“I dreamed I was standing with someone on a deck-like structure in a very lofty place in the heavens…

“As we were looking down, we saw what first appeared to be war planes flying over the U.S.

“I said, ‘Those are not war planes, they are eagles! I have seen them before in a dream. There are 100 of them. They’re saturated with water from the reopened well of revival at the Red River Meeting House. It has been unlocked and is now gushing forth into the nation.’

“Then I could clearly see that the eagles, just as in the previous dream, were carrying arrows in one of their talons and a rolled up piece of paper in the other. Also, they were still drenched and releasing water from the erupting geyser on the grounds of the Red River Meeting House.

“As the eagles were flying in all directions across America, they all suddenly began diving toward the ground. When near the ground they leveled off, and began dropping their arrows into the land. I knew there were 100 eagles, and each carried three arrows; so 300 arrows were released throughout the land. When each arrow hit the ground, it ignited as though it had hit a gas pocket and a spiraling plume of fire shot up. Then we watched as the water being released by the eagles was also ignited by the fire. The water from the Red River Meeting House was extremely flammable and instantly caught fire! It seemed that all of America was on fire.

The gentleman with me then began speaking under an incredibly heavy anointing. (It was then that I noticed he had a very strong accent.) He said: There is coming a sweeping move of the Spirit of God that will ignite America with the fire of His presence….“‘The eagles are on assignment. They carry “Fire Power”; they carry glory. And at the precise moment, their arrows will be released, hit their targets, and the move of God will ignite and spread very quickly!’ Then he said again, ‘Do NOT doubt it!’

“Still on my knees, I looked up at the man, and I somehow knew he was Duncan Campbell, one of the ministers from the great Hebrides revival.” [5]


Prophetic Significance for Today + 222

In light of these dreams and the stirrings of the Holy Spirit leading many to tap into this well of revival for such a time as this, Parker & Jessi Green with their ministry called Saturate Global are currently hosting revival meetings at the Red River Meeting House on the 222 year anniversary of when the first sparks were released here in July of 1799. We are seeing demons cast out, people of all ages delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit and fire, radical worship released, healings, people baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire, generosity, people activated into their calling, and more. We even had witches show up to try and curse what God is doing, a sign that the enemy is threatened because God is on the move in a very big way (and a portal is about to be unlocked).

222 can represent an unlocking taking place.

  • Mark 2:22 “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

  • Revelation 22:2 “The river was flowing in the middle of the street of the city, and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life, with its twelve kinds of ripe fruit according to each month of the year. The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations.”

  • Ephesians 2:22 “This means that God is transforming each one of you into the Holy of Holies, his dwelling place, through the power of the Holy Spirit living in you!” (TPT)

  • Daniel 2:22 “He reveals deep and hidden things…”

  • Isaiah 22:22 “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”

If you haven’t already discerned it, the time is NOW. We are in a Kairos moment, a window of opportunity. There is an invitation set before us where God is inviting us to step ALL in for what He’s pouring out for such a time as this. We have to step into and walk through the window to enter into all that He has. If all of these signs don't point to God pouring out His Spirit in unprecedented measures for such a time as this, I don’t know what else will.


The majority of the Saturate team who are hosting these meetings have recently quit jobs, moved out of their homes, sold their belongings, and are all in to see revival sweep across our land. All other invitations or speaking engagements have been canceled this month to continue hosting meetings here at the Red River Meeting House this weekend because we feel God is doing a mighty work. I have canceled my flight home so I could remain with my dear friends who are going all in for revival in our day. We are calling forth the laborers of the harvest to join us. We are calling the remnant, those who know they are born for more to join us as we drink from this deep well with great expectation that out of our bellies rivers of living waters will gush forth and saturate and dry and thirsty land.

Come and see.

Join us and bring those who need healing, deliverance, salvation, or a fresh touch from God.


Access James McGready’s sermons

Access James McGready’s sermons


 Learn more about running with a fiery group of Revivalists by joining the School of Revival Family



[1] Narrative of the Commencement and Progress of the Revival of 1800. The letter written to his friend was dated October 23, 1801, By the late Rev. James McGready. Learn more about the Great Revival of 1800 and Red River Meeting house beginnings https://www.gospeltruth.net/revival200yearsago.htm

[2] https://www.gospeltruth.net/revival200yearsago.htm

[3]  (Church History magazine, No. 23, p. 25). https://www.gospeltruth.net/revival200yearsago.htm

[4] See full dream here https://ginagholstonministries.org/2020/01/14/red-river-meeting-house-gushing-well/

[5] See full dream here https://ginagholstonministries.org/2021/04/02/duncan-campbell-and-the-eagles/

Jennifer Miskov
Word for the New Year 2021: HARVEST

2021 A Year of HARVEST

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., founding Director of School of Revival

We are in a Kairos Moment

We are in a kairos moment and have an opportunity to reap a radical harvest for the Kingdom of God in this season. Before we dive into the meaning of harvest, let’s first understand the importance of this unique kairos moment we find ourselves in post 2020. Kairos is one of the Greek words in the New Testament for “time.” It is translated as “the right time,” “a set or proper time, opportunity, due season, short time” or “a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for.”

The following Scriptures below use the word kairos to describe time.

“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15

Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time? Luke 12:56

So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. Romans 11:5

I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2

Seizing the day, Harvest time, Esther being born for such a time as this, and us stepping into this moment we were born for all tie into the theme of a kairos moment of time. Another way to describe kairos time could be to recognize that it is a special Window of Opportunity. There is an anointing upon a kairos season in a heightened way. More is available, possible, and accessible during that time than in others.

Window of Opportunity

The Israelites were freed from bondage in Egypt with radical signs and wonders, including watching the Red Sea part before their eyes (Exodus 14). They were led by a cloud by day, and fire by night. Then they had a kairos moment, a window of opportunity to take their Promised Land. Joshua and Caleb came back with a positive faith-filled report (Numbers 14). The other ten spies spread fear throughout the camp because they chose to focus on the circumstances rather than see things through God’s perspective. The Israelites then had a choice in this window of opportunity. They could immediately respond to God’s invitation to take the land, keeping their eyes on Him and trusting in Him, or not.

Instead of stepping into all that God had for them in this unique and special kairos moment in time, the Israelites partnered with fear and hesitated to move forward. Then, when they finally later attempted to obey God’s command, that window of opportunity had closed, and it was too late. Their delayed obedience was actually disobedience. A whole generation still walked with God in the desert, however they missed out on stepping into the fullness of their destinies. Rather than enter the Promised Land, which was their truest destiny, a whole generation died off in the desert. They didn’t recognize the kairos moment they were in. There was a tragic loss. They were never given that opportunity again.

What if we are in a moment where God is inviting us to lift up our eyes to see, respond, reap, and receive the harvest? If we fail to move where He is leading, will we have to painfully wait and watch as our generation dies off before God can raise up a new remnant to swiftly respond to His leading for such a time as this?

The Harvest

Though Scriptures are timeless and speak to us on a daily basis, there are some times when certain words are highlighted and become rhema words to speak directly into our time and situations. I believe that Jesus’ words about the harvest are important for what God wants to do in 2021 and are now words for us today in the unique kairos moment we find ourselves in post 2020. Jesus says,

Don't you have a saying, ‘It's still four months until harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”  John 4:35 (NIV)

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2 (NIV)

The word used for harvest in the verses above comes from the Greek word therismos which means “harvest” or “the act of reaping.” Figuratively, it means the act of gathering people into the kingdom of God and it occurs 13 times in 8 verses. This word comes from therizō which means to “reap” found in Galatians 6:9 that says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (see also 2 Corinthians 9:6). The word for reap comes from primary word theros which means “to heat” or “summer” as used in Mark 13:28 that says, “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.”

Heat, reap, summer, all build toward the harvest. In other words, turn up the heat, the summer season is coming to reap a bountiful harvest.


Kairos and Harvest

There is also another word used for Harvest (Karpos) which means Fruit and is used 66 times in 56 verses. It is interesting to note that there are several consistencies of kairos time being linked to the harvest or even being translated as harvest time within both uses of the word for harvest.

When the harvest (karpos) time (kairos) approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit (karpos). Matthew 21:34 (NIV)

At harvest time (kairos) he sent a servant to the tenants so they would give him some of the fruit (karpos) of the vineyard. Luke 20:10 (NIV)

Let both grow together until the harvest (therismos). At that time (kairos) I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn. Matthew 13:30 (NIV)

Might there be a specific God appointed time to bring in the harvest like it says in Matthew 13:30? Might God have been waiting for a fullness of time to bring in a billion-soul harvest with one concentrated sweep into the Kingdom? What if Mark 4:29 is a now word for us today?

“As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.” Mark 4:29

What if our world post 2020 is ripe, ready to be reaped because the harvest has now come?

It’s Harvest Time in this Kairos Moment

God has entrusted us with this unique season, this kairos moment in history, to bring in and steward this ripe and incoming harvest. He has entrusted us to carry hope to the hopeless, peace to the fear stricken, and healing to the brokenhearted. He has given us the opportunity to extend the invitation to share the love and transformative power of Jesus with the world in a time when there’s no other hope. He has repositioned us to be in perfect alignment for what He’s pouring out all around us, His new wine in increasing measures and a harvest of souls like never before.

There is a time for sowing and a time for reaping. I believe the openness to the Gospel following the 2020 pandemic and shut down will be greater than in seasons before. There is a new grace and a fresh invitation to the Gospel now more than ever. This is a time set apart for harvesting. Though I don’t know much about farming, I do know there is a time for sowing and time for reaping. And if the harvesters don’t collect the fruit during harvest time, it could die off.

Because the revival we’ve been praying for our whole lives is imminently upon us and is already here, there is a need to position ourselves to steward the incoming billion soul harvest well. We can only do this with and in family. We don’t have much more time to prepare our nets before they will be nearly busting at the seams beyond full capacity.

We are in a Kairos moment. 

The Harvest is ripe.

Get your nets ready.


Everyone has an important part to play in this incoming harvest

Some of you had a tough year and need to spend some time in God’s presence and with healthy people allowing Him to heal and restore your soul so that you will be able to pour out from a place of overflow. Also realize that in the act of loving others, your healing will spring forth (Isaiah 58). Others are ready to dive in and will begin reaping the harvest. Still others will be needed to steward and disciple the incoming harvest in family. Some will be able to invest into the harvest at this time. A few great ministries already on the front lines in bringing in the harvest that I know personally, support, and believe in are Heidi & Rolland Ministries, Iris Global, Parker & Jessi Green, and Saturate OC. Ask the Holy Spirit how He wants you to partner with this incoming harvest and then take some risks in this kairos moment and see what God does. You might be surprised by how much He will use your one little act of faith in this unique season.


5 Practical keys to position yourself to steward the incoming harvest

  • Remain full of the oil of His presence. Cultivate intimacy with Jesus so you are full of love and immediately willing to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit

  • Get connected with a burning tribe of Jesus lovers so that you can stay burning and welcome the incoming harvest into a family. I would love to have you join me and the School of Revival family!

  • Write down a list of people of at least 5 people you can begin praying for

  • Be intentional to reach out to love, share your testimony with, offer to pray for some on your list

  • Reach out to others you know who are already bringing in the harvest, sow into them, serve them, partner with them, learn from them

You are born for such a time as this!

Blessing your new year to be filled with the presence of Jesus in increasing measures, surrounded with a family of burning ones to inspire you toward your destiny, and supernatural faith to step out and fulfill every good work God has destined for you to complete. All for His glory!

Join us in our upcoming School of Revival 301 on the theme of The Harvest

For those who want to grow in this area of both reaping, gathering, and stewarding the incoming harvest, join our School of Revival family as we dive deeper into this theme together with activations. Connect with other burning ones from around the world in a small group where you are seen, known, celebrated, and activated to fulfill your God-given destiny from a place of Holy Spirit fire, intimacy with Jesus, and connection with family. Only about 20 spots left. Hope to see you there!

What the Revival of 1857-59, The Welsh Revival, & Azusa Street all have in common

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

One of the best things about teaching a class on the History of Revivals this past semester at Vanguard University is that I got to explore more revivals throughout history than I had previously done. I also got to do it together with fresh minds who were eager and hungry to learn and process together. The following is one thing I learned during this journey of exploring the History of Revivals with my students at Vanguard.

What I learned by teaching History of Revivals class

1. God can move freely outside of and even within, tight structures

In the diametrically opposite structures of these revivals, the one constant was that space was created for the spontaneous moving of the Holy Spirit.

Case Study: Revival of 1857-59

Before I taught History of Revivals class at Vanguard University, I believed that there was one constant in revivals that was important to keep in mind when positioning for and stewarding revival in our day. Because I have spent so much of my time and heart focusing on two of my favorite revivals, The Welsh Revival and the Azusa Street Revival, I previously made the assumption that one mark of revival is that


“Time is irrelevant when God shows up.”


The meetings in the Welsh Revival had no start or stop time. At Azusa Street, there were continuous meetings around the clock. God moved in a significant way in both of these movements and in a similar way in many other revivals. Eye witness of the Azusa Street Revival Frank Bartleman, described the meetings like this:

The services ran almost continuously. Seeking souls could be found under the power almost any hour, night and day. The place was never closed nor empty. The people came to meet God. He was always there. Hence a continuous meeting. The meeting did not depend on the human leader. God’s presence became more and more wonderful. In that old building, with its low rafters and bare floors, God took strong men and women to pieces, and put them together again, for His glory. It was a tremendous overhauling process. Pride and self-assertion, self-importance and self-esteem, could not survive there. The religious ego preached its own funeral sermon quickly.[1]

The Lord wrought very deeply. Several were under the power all night on one occasion. There was no closing at 9 o’clock sharp, as the preachers must do today in order to keep the people. We wanted God in those days. We did not have a thousand other things we wanted before Him.[2]

When it was time to teach on the Business Prayer Meeting Revival of 1857-59 that happened in New York, it messed up my theory based off of the Welsh and Azusa Street revivals. I thought God really liked to move in revival when there were no constraints placed upon time. As we studied this revival, we noticed that there was strictly one hour set apart for businessmen to gather together during their lunch break to pray. There was a clear start and stop. And the crazy thing was that even in this tight structure, God moved and spread revival throughout the land all in the model of a one hour lunch break prayer meeting model. As we continued to dive deep into studying revivals and looking at each uniquely while seeing the broader scope as well, I struggled with this one hour reality.

I had spent so much of my own efforts trying to break this box. When I stewarded our meetings at Destiny House every Friday, I made it a core value to not have a set stop or end time but just finish whenever the Holy Spirit was done. That was the one day a week where I didn’t want to put a time constraint on God or box Him in in anyway. I modeled our meetings after the similar core values found within the Welsh Revival.

The Revival of 1857-59 didn’t fit nicely into any of my previous paradigms. But then in the midst of teaching this class and processing with the students, I realized that there was a similar pattern between this revival and the Welsh and Azusa Street revivals.

Even though their structures looked very different, the constant theme in each of these and others was that in however long or short the time was, they all made space for the Holy Spirit to move freely and spontaneously through whomever He chose. While the Businessmen’s Prayer Revival had a time limit of one hour, within that time, there was a priority to make space for the Holy Spirit to move through whomever felt a burden from the Lord. There was protected space and invitation for each person to bring something to the table and have a voice. Each was encouraged and invited to pray however they felt led by the Spirit. There was no platform. It was an even stage where each member of the Body of Christ could “play.”

While there are many patterns and insights we can learn from revival history, we can’t necessarily imitate previous revivals to get the same results. We can learn from history in how to better steward revival but the only way to get there ourselves is by walking in communion with Jesus and yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit by saying Yes to whatever that looks like.

[1] Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles, 58-59. “…We had no ‘respect of persons.’ The rich and educated were the same as the poor and ignorant, and found a much harder death to die. We only recognized God. All were equal. No flesh might glory in His presence. He could not use the self-opinionated. Those were Holy Ghost meetings, led of the Lord. It had to start in poor surroundings, to keep out the selfish, human element. All came down in humility together, at His feet. They all looked alike, and had all things in common in that sense at least. The rafters were low, the tall must come down. By the time they got to ‘Azusa’ they were humbled, ready for the blessing. The fodder was thus placed for the lambs, not for giraffes. All could reach It.”

[2] Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles, 102. “…And He did not disappoint us. One sister sang and spoke in ‘tongues’ for five full hours. Souls were saved. The saints were wonderfully built up and strengthened by the presence of the Lord. A number received the ‘baptism,’ and the mission became full fledged for ‘Pentecost.’ One Sunday night the hall was packed out, to the middle of the street. I went to the hall one morning to look up the folks, who had not come home. Several had stayed all night. I found them lost to all but God. They could not get away. A very shekinah glory filled the place. It was awesome, but glorious.”

Tent Revival

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

I’ve written in the past that there is a difference between seeing God move and a move of God. I see God move all of the time. It’s rare however, that I get the opportunity to get swept up into tangible move of God. To experience God’s glory and to witness and even take part in these moments is one thing I crave almost more than anything. To step into a hidden momentum and flow where we truly let the Holy Spirit lead us into a divine unfolding of God’s majesty, is something I’ve given my life to.

And last night, I witnessed a move of God I want to share with you. I know God crashes in when people gather to worship, pray, wait upon Him. Sometimes He even comes upon a person completely unexpectantly. Last night however, I saw God crash in through one act of radical generosity.

This didn’t happen in a vacuum, or in a moment really. And even sharing the few days leading up to this moment to provide a little context, pales in comparison with all of the simple and costly yeses leading up to that moment. Here we go…

Last night, I attended Parker & Jessi Green’s Tent Revival meeting. God called the Greens to pack up their well-established lives in New York a few years ago, to move to California because they felt God was going to pour out revival here. So, they quit their jobs, packed up and moved to the Golden State. This past summer they birthed Saturate OC where they hosted revival worship baptism gatherings on the beach. Then God put it in their hearts to do a tent meeting. God miraculously brought all of the pieces together, even the chairs and the tent for the meeting less than two weeks before. 

Jessi, Mando, and I baptizing a burning one Friday night. Photo by Job Rascon

Jessi, Mando, and I baptizing a burning one Friday night. Photo by Job Rascon

The first night of the meetings was on Thursday for a prayer rally. A few even got saved that night. Then Friday, several more got saved, and also baptized that night. Then Saturday in the daytime, Jessi along with Kingdom Women ministry hosted a banquet for widows, single mothers, or those who have had an abortion to come together and be loved, encouraged, healed, and blessed. Jessi shared her testimony of having had three abortions before she knew Christ and how after those, she became suicidal, was on cocaine, worked in night clubs, and was tormented with anxiety, fear, and depression. The moment she really met Jesus for the first time and surrender her life to Him, all of that changed. All the depression and suicidal thoughts left. She was set free. As a tent full of women were listening to Jessi’s testimony, some began to weep. God was ministering deeply through her story. The women also received ministry and gifts.

Several hours later when we started the third night of the Tent Revival meeting, there was something different in the air. The worship was electric in a new way, the hunger in those present was tangible, there was a deeper freedom and greater expectation. There was a turning of our eyes upon Jesus in the deeper way. Then our friend Mando Matthews with Ekballo House of Prayer Pasadena spoke about the different ways to yes to God and being willing to write Jesus a blank check with our lives.


Not long after, Jessi came up to speak. There was a somber and seriousness from the start. Before she began to share, she told people they were free to leave because it might get uncomfortable. Then she began to talk about the woman who broke the alabaster jar of perfume over Jesus shortly before His crucifixion.


She asked Joel Mott, the worship leader from Ekballo House of Prayer come and sit down on stage and for a bucket of water to be brought. She continued tell the story about how this woman very awkwardly went somewhere she was not invited to because she had to love Jesus extravagantly. Then Jessi dipped her hair in the water and wiped Joel’s feet to symbolize how it may have felt.

 She continued to share about how this perfume was costly. Scholars say it was worth a year’s wages. She said how some of us in the tent make $10K a year, others $60K, others $200K or $400K a year. How ever you look at it, the perfume used to anoint Jesus was costly to the one pouring it out. Jessi said how the cost will look different for each one us. See clip of the moment when God began to crash in a powerful way below.


She asked Jesus on the way to the meeting if she would be able to even offer Jesus the perfume poured out on His feet. She didn’t want to preach a message she wasn’t willing to live. Then she took off her coat and gave it to a single mom in the back of the tent who had come with her kids. Then she called up all the single moms and had Parker write them a check for $100 to bless them.


Then, she shared with us the story of how God blessed her with a Jeep and how much she loved it. She even took a photo shoot in front of it because she was so blessed by God and wanted Him to get all of the glory for doing something so extravagant for her. She spoke more about living a life of worship that costs us something; it cost Jesus everything.


Then she grabbed her purse, pulled out her keys, and gave them to Joel who was still sitting barefoot on the stage. She felt God told her about thirty minutes before that moment that she was to give him her Jeep. His head fell into his hands and tears flowed all around the tent. We were witnessing a radical act of generosity and it was wrecking us all.

 As I watched this scene unfold, I could tell that this was a divine moment. Radically generosity ushered in the Presence of God in a powerful way. When Jessi did this, people began to kneel on the floor, some lay prostrate. You could hear people weeping. It was a moment I will never forget.

 Not long after this profound giving took place, the invitation was given to be all in with Jesus and also get baptized. As worship was playing, we all walked over to the baptism containers filled with water. By the way, it was already very cold during these tent revival meetings since we were outside in December. I was wearing four layers to try and stay warm along with my winter coat and a beanie. So, you know if someone is going to get into those waters, they are going to be crazy for Jesus.

With worship still going on in the tent, I watched as one after another got baptized in those waters. They had counted the cost and they were ready to make a declaration with their lives to be all in for Jesus.

I realized we were truly in a kairos moment. As this unique 2020 year is coming to a close, there is still more God wants to do before it finishes. I was struck to the core, inspired, convicted by Jessi’s radical act of generosity. I was moved to recognize a divine moment we were in. I too, wanted to be all in once again. I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to be baptized afresh in that moment. It was invitation where I had a choice to stay warm and comfortable or to be all in again. In this invitation, I felt that if I responded with my yes, something would be changed in my life and I would be ushered into a new season with Him. So, I asked my dear friends Jessi and Mando to baptize me afresh that night. These two met for the first time at the Bonnie Brae St. House on the anniversary of William J. Seymour’s death and had a crazy divine connection which is another story for another time.

After many of the others got baptized, and the crowd thinned, it was my turn. I had been baptized over twenty years ago but felt there was something significant about going under the water again in this fresh baptism. I believe in multiple baptisms of the Spirit, even wrote a book about it called Spirit Flood: Rebirth of Spirit Baptism for the 21st Century, so why not multiple baptisms of water, and a public re-dedication to be all in.

So, I got in that water, shivering from the cold but feeling the weight of that moment. I started to weep as we were talking, and I was trying to answer Jessi’s question of why I wanted to be baptized. I wanted to take advantage of this kairos moment and not let it pass me by. I wanted more of God in this new season as we finish out this unprecedented year.

The baptism container was big enough for me to be completely dunked while standing straight up. The only other time I got baptized was over twenty years ago. I had just turned 18, and after having recently broken up with my boyfriend at the time, I was all in. I was so all in that I couldn’t wait for the regular adult baptisms to take place so I joined the children’s baptism that was the earliest I could sign up for. I think I was one of the only adults being baptized that day in that small jacuzzi. I got baptized while kneeling down because it was a smaller space for the kids. That was an important decision for me to set myself apart to be a devoted follower of Christ. 

Even as I write this write not, I feel there is some significance with being baptized again, but this time doing it while standing up tall. This is something I need more time to process with the Lord to know the full extent. When, they dunked me, I was completely covered in the waters, there was no going back to the dry comfortable state I was in moments before.

Completely submersed.


Mary was overshadowed in the glory of God and later birthed the Son of the living God (Luke 1:35). There is something powerful and special about being completely overshadowed, submersed, saturated by the waters of the Holy Spirit. There is something special about being all in. When I came up out of those waters I yelled at the top of my lungs! It could have been the cold or God or a mixture of both, but then I began to declare out loud, “I am all in, I am all in, I am all in.” Then I felt a rush go through me and had to yell at the top of my lungs. God was unlocking something in my spirit.

I eventually made it out of the baptismal and was shaking and trembling in the cold under the mighty hand of God. As those gathered around me were laying hands on my back, they saw steam come off of me and said they could feel heat. Even though it was very cold outside, God was marking me in that space with His fire. I have a lot more I will need to process with the Lord from that moment as well as the significance of when someone gave me an envelope at the women’s banquet with a $100 bill for me to buy perfume which hours later, Jessi spoke about the perfume being poured out upon Jesus.

All this to say, God is really real. Revival is happening in California right now. In the midst of a pandemic and a lockdown, God is on the move, even in the most offensive of ways. You see, that woman who broke open and poured out that alabaster jar of perfume over Jesus, offended even Jesus’ closest friends.


 Thank you for listening to my story. I pray you have been blessed, inspired, disrupted, challenged, encouraged, and moved by this testimony to meet the real Jesus for the first time if you’ve never actually known Him personally, or, to be all in more than ever before.


Jesus is our only hope in this life.


In Him is abundant life here and now and forevermore.


Seek Him, find Him, and burn with other burning ones in this hour.


The time is ripe for the harvest.


It’s time to take our places.

Jennifer Miskov
Dreaming Big & Believing for the Impossible in 2020
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

Kairos Moment

I believe we are in a Kairos moment where anything is possible. Kairos is the Greek word in the New Testament for “time” that is also translated as a “set or proper time, opportunity, due season, short time” or “a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for” (see Strong’s Lexicon).

Before the foundations of the world, God has destined us to be alive for such a time as us. He has entrusted us with this unique season to carry hope to the hopeless, peace to the fear stricken, and healing to the brokenhearted. He has entrusted us with laying the foundations for what the new era will look like. He has repositioned us to be in perfect alignment for what He’s about to pour out next, His Spirit in unprecedented measures.

In December of 2019 before Covid-19 was the constant front page of every newspaper in the USA, I shared my annual prophecy for the new year. I believed that 2020 would be a year of “Synergy, Alignment, and an Unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit.” Regardless of what we’ve seen so far in this unprecedented time, I believe God’s heart for this year remains the same. 2020 is still a year of Synergy, Alignment, and an Unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit.



2020 has been such a critical year of reset and realignment toward our destinies. There has been a refining fire of consecration over the foundations of our hearts. I believe has God has called us to a deeper level of consecration and being set apart for Him because He is about to shift us into a new era. He knows that in order for us to steward all that He wants to pour out, we will need a refined heart.

Right before Joshua was about to take the Promised Land, he gathered his army (in Joshua 3:5), and said,

“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”  

We are in a similar Kairos moment as the Israelites were in that moment. God is preparing us to steward an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit and a harvest of souls like we’ve never seen before. But like leader of the Welsh Revival, Evan Roberts, once said, “God cannot do a good work through you until He has done a good work in you first.”

I feel that 2020 has been an invitation to become consecrated vessels ready to steward the glory of the Lord. Consecration means to be set apart, prepared, holy, purified, appointed, and dedicated to the service and worship of God. Consecration is simply being more in love. It is vigilantly focusing our affection and attention on the face of Jesus. There is more refining fire for us as we finish off this unique year. When we can learn to live in the fire of His holiness, we become refined like gold and everything that would hold us back from all that He has for us gets burned away.


I believe God is specifically releasing a fire of consecration over our alignments in this season.

In the midst of the shifting, transition, and adjustment that 2020 has forced upon us, new relationships and partnerships are becoming available.

We need to be wise, discerning, prayerful, and aware of what partnerships, alignments, covenants we are to make in this season. As we lay new foundations and open ourselves to new alignments, let’s be led of the Spirit. It will be important to be full of peace before extending our hand in partnership. We must follow our peace along these lines and trust we hear from the Lord, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else. Know also that it’s not too late to shift things around to make sure our partnerships are pleasing to the Lord as we look to step into 2021.

God will lead us into consecrated and anointed covenants before the year ends. These newly established partnerships will be embedded into the foundations of not just 2021, but for the next decade and beyond. Many of these alignments will have ripple effects for eternity. The synergy, acceleration, and favor in the new era will soar from our deepened relationship with Jesus and the alignments we make with other kindred hearted believers in this Kairos moment.

Photo by Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

Dreaming Big in 2020

Because we are in such a unique Kairos moment where the unprecedented is happening on every level all around us, it’s also an anointed time to welcome God to do the impossible in our lives. There is a unique acceleration in this Kairos moment and an invitation from heaven. No matter what our circumstances look like right now, I believe God is inviting us to move in the opposite spirit of whatever might be coming against us and lean in for the impossible.

Breakthroughs we’ve been praying years for will soon come to pass in a moment. There is grace in this season to set these before the Lord again and believe for the impossible. As we faithfully come before Him and invite the Body of Christ to partner together in prayer with these hopes, dreams, and needs, we will begin to see acceleration and breakthrough in such a powerful and unprecedented way that the only answer to explain this miracle is that God did the impossible on our behalf.

Dream big and lean in. 2020 is not over yet. God has destined this year to be one of synergy, alignment, and an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit. And if we have eyes to see, we might just realize it has already begun and is rapidly upon us. God loves to save the best for last. Here’s to believing with anticipation for the new wine to be poured out in exceeding measures upon our surrendered lives.


See also

Jennifer Miskov
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus: The Inspiring Story of this Hymn's Origin

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

*This article is based off of my book Walking on Water: Experiencing a Life of Miracles, Courageous Faith and Union with God.

One of my all-time favorite hymns is “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” Every time I sing this, it brings me right to face of Jesus. Every time. I wondered what kind of song has this kind of anointing. So, several years back I decided to research its origin to learn more. 

I found that the song was written by Helen H. Lemmel in 1922 and inspired by the life of missionary Lilias Trotter and based off of a poem she had written entitled “Focussed: A Story and a Song.” I had never heard of this missionary before, so I began to research her story and was inspired by what I discovered.

lilias trotter.jpg

Lilias Trotter (1853–1928) originally from London, England was an anointed artist who had a potential career path direction if she chose to take it. Famous art critics saw her early work and were even willing to invest in her training because of the huge potential they saw in her as an artist. While she loved art, she also felt a calling from God to reach the lost. She began engaging in this call while in London by going out into the streets in the late hours of the night by herself to reach and rescue prostitutes off of the streets. She also felt a calling to share Jesus with the unreached people groups in Algeria in Northern Africa. Responding to this calling would come at a great cost as it would require her to lay down her budding career as an artist. There is a beautiful documentary made about her life highlighting this aspect of her life you can see the trailer for below.

As she responded to this call, no mission agencies would send her there or support her mission. Not deterred, she decided to still follow the call of God to Africa and go by herself. She lived among the nationals in the hiddenness of the desert there for forty years. There, in the desert, Trotter knew what it was like to be stripped from every distraction to focus upon the face of Jesus. She had laid her life down for that one purpose. While there, she wrote the poem that later inspired the song “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” Here is the original poem without anything changed to preserve the authority of this source.

“Focussed: A Story and a Song” by Lilias Trotter

It was in a little wood in early morning. The sun was climbing behind a steep cliff in the east, and its light was flooding nearer and nearer and then making pools among the trees. Suddenly, from a dark corner of purple brown stems and tawny moss, there shone out a great golden star. It was just a dandelion, and half withered—but it was full face to the sun, and had caught into its heart all the glory it could hold, and was shining so radiantly that the dew that lay on it still made a perfect aureole round its head. And it seemed to talk, standing there—to talk about the possibility of making the very best of these lives of ours.

For if the Sun of Righteousness has risen upon our hearts, there is an ocean of grace and love and power lying all around us, an ocean to which all earthly light is but a drop, and it is ready to transfigure us, as the sunshine transfigured the dandelion, and on the same condition—that we stand full face to God.

Gathered up, focussed lives, intent on one aim—Christ—these are the lives on which God can concentrate blessedness. It is “all for all” by a law as unvarying as any law that governs the material universe.

We see the principle shadowed in the trend of science; the telephone and the wireless in the realm of sound, the use of radium and the ultra violet rays in the realm of light. All these work by gathering into focus currents and waves that, dispersed, cannot serve us. In every branch of learning and workmanship the tendency of these days is to specialize—to take up one point and follow it to the uttermost.

And Satan knows well the power of concentration, if a soul is likely to get under the sway of the inspiration, “this one thing I do,” he will turn all his energies to bring in side-interests that will shatter the gathering intensity.

And they lie all around, these interests. Never has it been so easy to live in half a dozen good harmless worlds at once—art, music, social science, games, motoring, the following of some profession, and so on. And between them we run the risk of drifting about, the “good” hiding the “best” even more effectually than it could be hidden by downright frivolity with its smothered heart-ache at its own emptiness.

It is easy to find out whether our lives are focused, and if so, where the focus lies. Where do our thoughts settle when consciousness comes back in the morning? Where do they swing back when the pressure is off during the day? Does this test not give the clue? Then dare to have it out with God—and after all, that is the shortest way. Dare to lay bare your whole life and being before Him, and ask Him to show you whether or not all is focussed on Christ and His glory. Dare to face the fact that unfocussed good and useful as it may seem, it will prove to have failed of its purpose.

What does this focussing mean? Study the matter and you will see that it means two things—gathering in all that can be gathered, and letting the rest drop. The working of any lens—microscope, telescope, camera—will show you this. The lens of your own eye, in the room where you are sitting, as clearly as any other. Look at the window bars, and the beyond is only a shadow; look through at the distance, and it is the bars that turn into ghosts. You have to choose which you will fix your gaze upon and let the other go.

Are we ready for a cleavage to be wrought through the whole range of our lives, like the division long ago at the taking of Jericho, the division between things that could be passed through the fire of consecration into “the treasury of the Lord,” and the things that, unable to “bide the fire,” must be destroyed? All aims, all ambitions, all desires, all pursuits—shall we dare to drop them if they cannot be gathered sharply and clearly into the focus of “this one thing I do”?

Will it not make life narrow, this focusing? In a sense, it will—just as the mountain path grows narrower, for it matters more and more, the higher we go, where we set our feet—but there is always, as it narrows, a wider and wider outlook and purer, clearer air. Narrow as Christ’s life was narrow, this is our aim; narrow as regards self-seeking, broad as the love of God to all around. Is there anything to fear in that?

And in the narrowing and focussing, the channel will be prepared for God’s power—like the stream hemmed between the rockbeds, that wells up in a spring—like the burning glass that gathers the rays into an intensity that will kindle fire. It is worth while to let God see what He can do with these lives of ours, when “to live is Christ.”

How do we bring things to a focus in the world of optics? Not by looking at the things to be dropped, but by looking at the one point that is to be brought out.

Turn full your soul’s vision to Jesus, and look and look at Him, and a strange dimness will come over all that is apart from Him, and the Divine “attrait” by which God’s saints are made, even in this 20th century, will lay hold of you. For “He is worthy” to have all there is to be had in the heart that He has died to win."

*The word “attrait” used at the end of this passage was the French word used for “attraction,” which Lilias regularly used in her writings.


The poem “Focussed” and the life of Lilias Trotter inspired Helen Lemmel to pen one of the most anointed hymns in 1922 that is still prevalent in our day.

“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” by Helen Lemmel

1. O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

2. Thro' death into life everlasting,
He passed, and we follow Him there;

O’er us sin no more hath dominion--
For more than conqu’rors we are! 

3. His Word shall not fail you--He promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!

If Lilias Trotter’s one “yes” to surrender all to Jesus and live forty years in the hiddenness of the desert had no other impact other than inspiring a song that is still drawing people to focus their full attention upon the face of Jesus over one hundred years later, I’d say it was worth it.  

There is something powerful in our lives of hiddenness where we seek the face of Jesus above all else. God is calling us back to focus upon His face. This is where everything changes. As we decide to turn our eyes upon Jesus today, looking full into His wonderful face, may the things of this world and all that troubles us, grow faintly dim in the light of His glory and grace.  



This article is based off of chapters 4 “The Art of Letting Go” and Chapter 6 “Focus” in Jennifer A. Miskov, Walking on Water: Experiencing a Life of Miracles, Courageous Faith and Union with God.

See also

Learn more about another woman in ministry, Carrie Judd Montgomery, who pioneered some of the earliest healing homes in our nation…

The Prayer Meeting Revival of 1857-59

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

This is the story of the Prayer Revival of 1857-58, also known as Businessman’s Revival, and how one man’s yes to partner with what God was doing in his generation led to a powerful revival where it was estimated that within a year, over 1 million people got saved.

On March 6, 1857, the Supreme court decided in the Dred Scott case that African Americans and their descendants could not be U.S. Citizens. This was big blow to our nation living up to its Biblical roots and foundations. This decision divided churches and eventually a Civil War came to the surface. But in this impending time before that took place, there was a stirring for revival in the land. Something was about to break open that no one could have imagined. In the wake of Charles Finney’s revivalism, a business man named Jeremiah Lanphier got converted at Finney’s Broadway Tabernacle in Manhattan, New York in 1842. After working in business for over twenty years, at age 49, Jeremiah got hired as a local missionary by the North Dutch Church on Fulton Street. He traded his big salary for one that was less than $1,000 a year.


God began to break Jeremiah’s heart for the lost while he evangelized. He saw that there was a great need for God in those days. Then one day, God gave him an inspired idea in how to reach the people. He decided to host a Wednesday prayer meeting for businessmen from 12:00-1:00pm. He passed out flyers and began to spread the word. He encouraged people to come for no matter how long they were able to pull away. Whether it was 5 minutes, 10, minutes, or more, he welcomed them all to come and engage in prayer with him.

The date was set for his first businessmen’s prayer meeting to be at noon on September 23, 1857. When the day came, he was ready to welcome the other businessmen for a time of prayer. At noon, no one showed up. Then 12:10, still no one. At 12:25pm, still no one. Nearly half way through his first prayer meeting, he may have felt like a failure, or maybe that he hadn’t heard God correctly. Who knows what may have been going through his mind after being vulnerable to follow what he felt was the leading of the Lord only to see that absolutely no one responded. He didn’t throw in the towel or give up quite yet though. He stood his ground and remained.

North Dutch Church Consistory Building

North Dutch Church Consistory Building

The six who joined him that first day

The six who joined him that first day

Then all of a sudden at 12:30pm, the first business man joined him for prayer, then another, and another until he had a total of six people join him the first day. That was enough for him to see there was a need for prayer and that God was on it. He didn’t despise the day of small beginnings but leaned into what God was doing. They planned another prayer meeting for the following Wednesday. This time twenty men came, then the following week forty. He had to move to a bigger room. Then on October 10, 1857 the stock market crashed. People lost everything in a matter of moments. Desperation for God increased. Soon these prayer meetings were not just weekly but daily. In a short time, there were crowds of up to 3,000 people joining the Fulton Street Prayer meeting. People from all different kinds if classes joined in.


There were specific guidelines in place for this prayer meeting that worked well during that time. They started promptly at 12:00pm and finished right at 1:00pm. They allowed people to come and go as they please so that it possible for everyone to join on their lunch break if possible. There was a sign posted that said, “Prayers and Exhortation not to exceed 5 minutes, in order to give all an opportunity. Not more than 2 consecutive prayers or exhortations. No controverted points discussed.” When I read that it made me dream of what a prayer meeting today could look like in the absence of agendas and politics.

Each meeting started with singing a hymn, then the leader read a Scripture, said a prayer and opened up the floor for prayer requests. Five minutes before 1:00pm, they sang another hymn and then the leader closed with a prayer of blessing over the people. The news of this prayer meeting spread, especially through the Newspapers at that time. One of the six to attend the first meeting was a 21 year old who had a passion to take the same fire for prayer to him hometown in Philadelphia. His first meeting had forty, then sixty, then 300, then 2,500. Then he had to get a tent to accommodate the incoming crowds. In just four months, over 150,000 had prayed in that tent.

This revival was made up of people from all different denominations. It was a lay person’s revival. This was a prayer meeting for souls, and within a year it is estimated that over 1 million people got saved.

What might happen again today when a few people set aside a little time each day, or even just an hour a week to pray together for the lost, for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit in our day?

Do not despise the day of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). Most revivals and powerful moves of God that sweep the nation start in a small meeting with just a few. See the story of the Azusa Street Revival for another example of how God loves it when the few gather to pray and seek for more of the Holy Spirit together.

Monastery Adventures

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

I just finished leading a 10 day intensive on Pioneering Revival for our School of Revival with just a couple weeks before diving into teaching a course on the History of Revivals at Vanguard University for the fall. I knew that my soul needs to celebrate, unplug, and be refreshed before stepping into the new season. I have always wanted to go to New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur to get away and have some solitude and I was finally able to book a place. It’s a silent retreat up on a hill overlooking the beautiful California Coast. Their website name even represents what to expect while there: www.contemplation.com/


I booked 3 days because I knew 2 just wouldn’t be enough time to unplug. I left Orange County super early on Tuesday August 11 so that I could take my time and look for some new surf spots on the way up. As I got further up the coast, it became more and more beautiful. When I arrived at El Morro, I was blown away by the landscape. It was about noon by the time I got there after checking every potential surf spot on the way up. I ended up doing a search for the best Mexican food nearby and scored by finding 5 star Chinelo Mexican Food that had great customer service and tasty food. I even made it a point to stop there on my way back down to get some more of their incredible carne asada tacos with handmade tortillas. After that, I continued heading up north and pulled off the highway to check out another beach and could barely believe what I saw. A fun little wedge wave with only a few people out. I quickly suited up and had one of the best sessions bodyboarding I’ve had in a long time. It was very fun and I thank God for that divine set up. Then it was time for me to get checked in at the monastery so I jumped in the car and headed up to Big Sur.


Every 5 minutes I wanted to pull over to the side of the road because it was so gorgeous but the monks were waiting for me at 4:00pm so I headed straight there. I drove up a 2 mile windy road with great views to get to the hermitage. I was greeted by name and my temperature was taken before checking in. Then I unpacked my stuff in my little room where I would be based. My backyard had an ocean view. And the theme on the grounds of this hermitage was silence and solitude which are my favorites!


I didn’t feel to fast on this trip so I enjoyed my left overs from the Mexican place and later ate what the monks had provided for us. I remember the first night taking a walk part way down the driveway to this bench overlooking the coast and just sitting there for an hour or two in silence. No distractions, no cell phone reception, no internet access, just me and God. I already felt so much peace and even got clarity over something on my mind in that first evening. The next day, I went for walks, read some books, worked a little on finishing a manuscript for my next book, and simply relaxed in the beautiful and quiet surroundings. The only thing I really heard was the bells that rang a few times a day.

Wednesday and Friday the monks offered a short communion service outside of the chapel since we couldn’t meet inside the church because of Covid. It was really great to have time to reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus with a few others there. By Thursday, I needed to go explore the coast more. We were so close to some of the most beautiful places in California and I didn’t want to miss out on enjoying these places. On Thursday, I drove down the 2 mile windy driveway and onto PCH. I went north and ended up at Andrew Molera State park and walked to the beach from there. So many other beautiful sites to see and just not enough time.


I returned to the Monastery in the afternoon for my session with the monk. He was wearing Birkenstocks under his robe. We are able to do a time of confession or spiritual advising or a mixture of both. I wanted to access God’s heart as much as possible so I signed up to do it all. We sat probably about 10 feet away because of Covid regulations and had a lovely chat. When I said I wanted to do confession, he asked me when my last confession was. Then I told him I had never officially done one like this before but I am up for trying. James 5:16 says, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” I’ve always thought there was something beautiful about the way the Catholic church practices confession that is a lost art that could be integrated in a new way into Evangelicalism. So many other aspects of the way that they live their faith is such a gift to the whole Body of Christ. I was blessed to be able to partake and learn from them.


While we continued talking, I remember sitting there and brushing the flies off of my face time and time again. When I looked across at the monk chatting with me, he sat there calmly even with flies landing on his face. That small subtlety made all the difference. Living in an unplugged environment, waking up at 4:00am to pray, and doing life in community and also solitude at the same time, allowed for a deep level of peace and calmness for these monks. It truly felt like I entered into another world. And I loved it! I already booked another retreat for next year. The drive up the coast along with a space to unplug from it all and slow down just to listen, was such a huge gift.

To top off an already epic adventure, my final night there I was blessed with a double rainbow. I wanted to scream, ring the bell, and tell everyone to come out and look at the beauty but even a whisper goes far. So I simply enjoyed with a few others in silence and was in awe at the beauty and glory of God. I don’t know that anything could have made this journey any better: an epic surf session, gorgeous views, time to unplug in a sacred space on top of a hill overlooking the ocean. I highly suggest every so often taking a few days away in silence without cell phone reception or internet just to unplug and reconnect with yourself and with God. I know it was definitely one of the best choices I made this year.


Thanks for joining my journey, may the silence, peace, rest, adventure, and fun I experienced be released over you today!

William J. Seymour, Azusa Street Revival, and Racial Reconciliation Today

If we have eyes to see, history can prophesy into our future. In a time when we desperately need to SEE MORE of God and understand His heart, learning about the life and legacy of African American, William J. SEYMOUR (pronounced “See” “More”) can open our eyes to give us prophetic vision into rewriting our future narrative. I believe there are keys within the Azusa story that will prophesy into how to navigate through our present storm of racism to unlock a greater destiny.

One of the greatest movements in history was ignited when handful of African Americans met together in a home with their only agenda to encounter more of God. William J. Seymour, son of slaves, blind in one eye, humbly paved the way and was used by God to ignite a revival fire that has since spread around the globe introducing millions of people to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit in a powerful way.

On April 9, 1906, just before leaving for the prayer meeting, Seymour's friend Edward Lee began to speak in tongues after he laid hands on and prayed for him. After this, Lee, Seymour, and the others walked the couple blocks up the street to the Asberry home on Bonnie Brae Street for the 7:30 p.m. prayer meeting. There, a handful of African American saints gathered together because they wanted to encounter God in a greater measure. There were only about fifteen people including children present at the meeting. They had a song, a few prayers, and several testimonies released. Seymour shared the testimony of how Lee spoke in tongues less than two hours before. Even though Seymour had yet to receive the “evidence” of speaking in tongues, he continued to preach about it from Acts 2 that night.

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)

Then something happened that they had all been waiting and longing for. God crashed into that meeting like never before. Ruth Asberry’s cousin Jennie Evans Moore, who lived across the street, was resting on a stool, when she suddenly fell to the ground and began to speak in tongues. She is known as one of the first women in Los Angeles to speak in tongues during this time.

 She recalled that it felt like a vessel broke inside of her and water “surged” through her entire being. When this rush came to her lips, she spoke in six different languages that she had seen earlier in a vision. These tongues were each interpreted in English. Following this release, Jennie, who had never played the piano before, walked over to the piano and played it under the anointing while singing in tongues. She recounted the story in an article called “Music from Heaven” in the Azusa Mission’s newspaper called The Apostolic Faith:

For years before this wonderful experience came to us, we as a family, were seeking to know the fulnes of God, and He was filling us with His presence until we could hardly contain the power… On April 9, 1906, I was praising the Lord from the depths of my heart at home, and when the evening came and we attended the meeting the power of God fell and I was baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire, with the evidence of speaking in tongues…As I thought thereon and looked to God, it seemed as if a vessel broke within me and water surged up through my being, which when it reached my mouth came out in a torrent of speech in the languages which God had given me…I sang under the power of the Spirit in many languages, the interpretation both words and music which I had never before heard, and in the home where the meeting was being held, the Spirit led me to the piano, where I played and sang under inspiration, although I had not learned to play.

-Jennie Moore, The Apostolic Faith 1:8 (312 Azusa Street, Los Angeles, CA: May, 1907), 3.

A few days later on April 12, 1906, Seymour spoke in tongues for the first time after waiting upon the Lord and praying with a white brother, not giving up until he “came through” and spoke in tongues at nearly four o’clock in the morning.

Crowds of both black and white people from different churches in the area came to the house on Bonnie Brae Street to see and partake in what God was doing. At one point, the house swelled with people so much that the front porch caved in. No one was injured, but they realized that they had outgrown the house. Within a week, they moved to a vacant building at 312 Azusa Street. 

During a time of heavy racial segregation, Seymour, the leader of what became known as the Azusa Street Revival, created a place where everyone would be welcome regardless of their skin color or nationality. One of the biggest breakthroughs at the Azusa Street Revival was that the walls of race, gender, and age were broken down. Eyewitness and historian Frank Bartleman observed that “the ‘color line’ was washed away in the blood.” This was in relation to racial divides being abolished by the blood of Jesus.

To have people from different races worshipping alongside one another and praying for each other during a time when lynchings were common and many years before Martin Luther King, Jr. came onto the scene is truly remarkable. Seymour’s early leadership team was racially mixed and also included women. Regular participants of the Azusa Mission in the early years included people from various ethnicities and backgrounds including African-Americans, European Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and more. Visitors would come to Azusa and experience such love and humility present in the people. One person said, “From the first time I entered I was struck by the blessed spirit that prevailed in the meeting, such a feeling of unity and humility among the children of God.”

The early days of the Azusa Street Revival were marked by unity, humility, and love regardless of ethnicity, race, or gender. Seymour emphasized the need to develop the fruit of the Spirit, especially love. In 1908, the leadership at Azusa said, “The Pentecostal power, when you sum it all up, is just more of God’s love.” Love was what was needed for this baptism of the Holy Spirit experience to be sustainable. They realized that love heals, love restores, and love is the way forward.

They also wanted more of God in those days no matter what it looked like. They “did not have a thousand other things” they wanted before Him. Nothing was going to stop them from encountering more of Him. They were all in it together no matter the color of their skin. These early Pentecostal pioneers paved the way for us in such a remarkable way. We are greatly indebted to these beautiful saints who said yes to pursuing Jesus wholeheartedly no matter what the cost. Now it’s our turn build on their breakthroughs.

How will we build on the momentum of William J. Seymour and those at Azusa Street, of Martin Luther King Jr., and of so many others who have gone before us? How will we take what they have done for us and go even further in our day? What will happen in our day when love supersedes all differences and we run toward Jesus together with total abandonment? What does it look like to say yes to radical love today?

To learn how to let your voice of justice, love, and racial reconciliation be heard and to make a difference, join our 5 Day Ignite Azusa Challenge that has now been turned into an Ecourse.


Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., is a Revival Historian, Author, Teacher, Writing Coach, and Itinerant Minister who loves to lead people into life-changing encounters with Jesus and invite them into the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Jen is the founding director of the School of Revival which focusing on raising up leaders to steward the upcoming billion soul harvest. Jen also facilities Writing in the Glory Workshops around the world to catalyze authors to write their first books. She has supported Bill Johnson in his Defining Moments book as well as authored Walking on Water, Ignite Azusa: Positioning for a New Jesus Revolution, Writing in the Glory, Life on Wings, Spirit Flood, and Silver to Gold. She founded Destiny House (2012-2019) and also taught activation classes at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries (2014-2020). She currently teaches at her alma mater Vanguard University and also at The King’s University in Texas and recently launched The School of Revival. She is ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global and received her Ph.D. in Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies from the University of Birmingham, U.K.