Top 10 Writing in the Glory Tips

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

Here’s a few tips to remember as you position yourself to birth the message God has placed inside of you.

1. ENCOUNTER: Saturate yourself in God’s presence. Deepen your connection with Him by cultivating space to spend time with Him in worship and waiting upon the Holy Spirit.

2. FORGIVE: Ask the Holy Spirit to search and purify your life and relationships. Give no room to the enemy. Quickly deal with any offense so that your mind is not cluttered, distracted, or tormented and so that you are not sowing bitterness into the manuscript.

3. COMMUNITY: Invite at least 3-5 people in your life to cover you in prayer during the writing process.

4. FOCUS: on one project at a time. Fast, pray, process, dialogue with others about the theme. Give yourself a season to become obsessed with the subject at hand. Be all in. Let God transform you to carry and release your message with integrity.

5. WRITE: Set aside time each week to write and guard that time. In the beginning of writing, be creative, messy, and free. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. No writing is ever a waste.

6. VULNERABILITY: Focus on writing to one person. Tear off a piece of your heart to share to that one.

7. REFINE: After you have generated lots of material from the creative process, you can then go back and be more analytical to shape, edit, refine, and polish your work.

8. FEEDBACK: Swap chapters/sections with other authors to gain feedback and grow in clarity of releasing your message.

9. FINALIZE: Once you’ve finished your manuscript, received feedback, edited some more, consider hiring a professional editor for the final edit.

10. CELEBRATE: After you’ve published your book, throw a launch party to release it with friends and family!

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