Word for 2023: Jesus People

painting of Jesus by Lonnie Frisbee

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

I believe there are times and seasons when certain testimonies need to be released to breathe new life into new generations. I feel that God is highlighting the Jesus People Movement as a testimony He wants to release for such a time as this to prophesy into what He wants to pour out this year and beyond. The Jesus People movement was a move of God in the 1970s that came through the most unlikely of people, hippies. Nobody expected God to use this community and many even missed this vibrant move of God because they weren’t able to receive through others who looked so differently from them. This movement was messy. There was nothing traditional about it.

The Jesus People cultivated community and embraced a culture of family. Acts 2 was a model for them. They knew there was more to the Christian life than just following a program. They sought to do life on life with their brothers and sisters and created a rhythm of family, evangelism, and stirring each other on to good works. I believe the story of the Jesus People movement can inform where God wants to take us next.

God will pour out His Spirit through those we least expect and we may even be offended by. It is important that we don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. We must humble ourselves to receive all God has even if it comes through a package we least expect. God is also pouring out new wine. We must be open to new wine skins emerging to steward the new wine.

Lonnie Frisbee

Just as the movie Jesus Revolution is being released this February as a prophetic call for a new Jesus People Movement, now is also the time that the story of Lonnie Frisbee needs to be highlighted. *To read about my “accidental” encounter at Pirate’s Cove intersecting with the director of the film and the one who plays Jesus in the Chosen and Lonnie in the film , see my blog here.

This hippie preacher played a significant and catalytic role in the Jesus People Movement, Calvary Chapel Movement, Vineyard Movement, and releasing signs and wonders in everyday evangelism like hadn’t been seen before. Lonnie’s life gives people hope that if God can use someone who wasn’t polished around the edges or was perfect in any way but who was yielded to the Holy Spirit, He can use anyone for His kingdom.

Sharing his story is important for dismantling the cancel culture ideology and celebrating and honoring the legacy of people despite their failures. His story teaches us that we must not use people for their gifting, but we must become family together. His story is a call to fight for each other, believe the best, and cover each other in our times of weakness. It is a story about being fully yielded to the Holy Spirit and being used by God to spark revival.


Another reason I feel to release the words “Jesus People” as a word for 2023 is if you love what these two words represent, you fulfill all the commandments. Our highest calling is to love Jesus before all other things. Then we are also called to love People as we love ourselves. In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus says,

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

The world will know we are Christians by our unfailing love for each other (John 13:34-35). I feel that in 2023, there will be a real stirring, melting down of walls, and invitation to seek greater unity within the body of Christ for the sake of the kingdom.

On August 13th, 1727, when the Moravians laid down their differences to covenant to run after Jesus together in love, the Holy Spirit crashed in with power. This became know as the Moravian Pentecost. From this encounter flowing from unity, the 24-7 protestant prayer movement was born not long after. Out of the prayer movement, a protestant missions movement was ignited, which eventually played a key role in launching John Wesley into his life-changing encounter before he started the Methodist movement.

Where there is unity, God increases anointing and commands a blessing (Psalm 133).

Unifying the Bride

I believe God’s heart for 2023 is one of unifying the bride. The body of Christ must learn how to lay down all offenses and come together in humility for the sake of making Christ known. Love must take precedent over all wrongs. We must become a people who stand with and for our brothers and sisters in the face of trouble. We must enter an era where we stop kicking our brothers and sisters when they are down but instead cover them, fight for them, war on their behalf against the principalities and powers trying to take them out, and always remember the true battle we face is never against each other.

Persecution will increase. We will need our spiritual family by our side. No matter how much we disagree with them on non-essential issues, they are still our brothers and sisters in Christ. In a war, you stand by each other when the enemy attacks. We must learn how to stand by each other now, before the attack of the enemy increases. We must learn to lay down our weapons and seek to worship and glorify Jesus, the king of kings. We must come back to our first love without anything clouding our paths.

May 2023 be a year where we love Jesus with everything inside of us. May we be so overcome with receiving His love, that we freely love our brothers and sisters in Christ at a deeper level than ever before. May there be a common focus to glorify the name of Jesus above all else that melts down walls of offense. May unity among the Church cause an increased anointing for the glory and presence of God to overshadow us. May heroes arise from the dust of obscure and despised circumstances to shine like the stars in all the earth. May God use whoever gives their wholehearted yes to Him to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. May we become a People known as those who walk with Jesus. May we become a People marked by Jesus once again.

Join our next Online School of Revival 3-Day Intensive


Jesus People Movement II

February 23-25, 2023

Revival Fire in Iowa

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.  

Ankeny, Iowa

October 1-2, 2022


October 1, 2022 I found myself at Heartland Church in Iowa for Fan the Flame Women’s conference (2 Timothy 1:6-8) revival fire day conference. So much prayer, fasting, and expectation preceded this beautiful assignment. I was invited earlier this year to speak at the women’s conference at Heartland church by Kate McGovern. When she was praying for who to invite, she felt God told her to watch Sid Roth. When she did, it just happened to be the episode I was on! The very next day, a beautiful one named Sandra who I had helped with her book project years ago via Writing in the Glory called Kate to suggest if she hadn’t found a speaker yet to consider inviting me. That was crazy confirmation. Immediately, when I got the invitation to go to Iowa for a revival fire women’s conference, I felt God all over it and knew deep within my spirit this was not just a nice little ministry trip, this was a God ordained and orchestrated assignment from heaven. As our team of intercessors and theirs too, prayed and fasted leading into the event, we all felt there would be a birthing and also saw that the fire of God would mark people.

Episode on Sid Roth where I share about the Welsh Revival and Azusa Street Revival

The first meeting on Saturday, I invited the women to spend some time simply waiting upon the Holy Spirit. As we “dove into the River” of His presence and waited upon Him, He began to move in power. People were weeping, others having birthing pangs as if in labor, some singing out prophetically, and others experiencing freedom simply by taking the time to hear what God wanted to say to them. After a good time of waiting upon the Holy Spirit, I proceeded to share about a teenage girl named Florrie Evans who loved the Lord Jesus Christ with all her heart and boldly proclaimed her love in a 1903 meeting in Wales. Her sold out and personal devotion to Jesus was the match that lit the revival fire that would later spread to and ignite a young coal miner named Evan Roberts who in turn led the Welsh Revival (1904-05). During and after sharing about the Welsh Revival people came up to the altar to lay their lives down and welcome the fire of God to burn in them.

I was so blessed to have Sara and Christy from School of Revival and Amy from Destiny House come all the way to Iowa to partner together in helping birth this church and region into a greater realm of the Holy Spirit. After the first meeting, Christy shared

I've had many instances of people being ignited with fire when I laid hands on them but something new took place this time; women would instantly start weeping with the laying on of hands and I would literally see Jesus over them cupping their hearts, their faces, their dreams, their visions, their families and releasing his Fatherly love so preciously that I started weeping as well. It was the most touching experience I've had while ministering. It was a love for his daughters that was like giving the gift of a Father's blessing to be fully known and fully loved in the purest form possible so that they could burn brighter for him. 

In the morning session, while standing in the back of the room after Jen took time to wait on the Holy Spirit I saw the Spirit sweep across the room touching people and releasing them from restricting lies and affirming them of their worthiness to be loved. So much love being released to fan the flame of the fire that these women were carrying with their hunger for more of Jesus. And then, at the end of the 1st session, I was led to just start prophesying to women's hurts with love from the Father. That He saw their pain, disappointments, discouragement and hopelessness but he was giving them the ability to move past it and receive the truth of how he saw them. More tears and so many redeeming hugs!! Hearts were getting filled with the spring of life like Jesus did for the Samaritan women at the well in John 4.


In the second session, we opened it up for people to share testimonies of what God had done earlier so we could all celebrate and give Him glory. In Revelation 19:10, it says that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Celebrating what God did in the past prophesies and releases breakthrough for Him to do it again! Here are a few of the testimonies that were released:

  • One woman who laid her life down at the altar, was healed of mental health issues.

  • Another had her voice restored to her where she had previously felt shut down. God revealed that He had always heard her!

  • One woman felt fire as she laid at the altar and deep pain from her past was healed.

  • Another testified that she believed she was healed from ovarian cancer.

  • One saw a vision from the Lord of her dancing with Him and Him restoring her first dance.

  • One woman who had been devastated by loss of many in her family within the last year was completely delivered and set free from fear, anxiety, death, and oppression from the enemy. Her countenance was visibly different the rest of the conference. 

The evening session that same night was open to men, women, and children. After waiting on the Holy Spirit and sharing about the Azusa Street Revival, God came with His power from on high and baptized people with the Holy Spirit. Many people were trembling under the mighty hand of God, on the floor, shaking, feeling electricity. God was empowering people to live boldly and become burning ones for Him. Saturday night was a commissioning where many were set apart and marked.

I got asked that night to speak at church Sunday morning by Pastor Dave who is an incredible intercessor and has a passion for revival. I felt so welcomed by him and his team all weekend long! I was so honored to continue in the flow of what the Holy Spirit was pouring out in the region. On Sunday morning, we continued in the momentum of what God had been pouring out and began by waiting upon the Holy Spirit and then diving deep into the Ezekiel 47 River. The altar was full again of those ready to dive all the way in. I found out that while we were fully immersed in the presence of the Holy Spirit and just lingering in His presence and glory, one man’s neck was fully healed. I later got a testimony that one person’s mom had come to church that day, was overcome, and weeping in the presence of God, went to the altar. She wept for about an hour there, encountered Jesus and received her prayer language!

The hunger in that region and preparation of the soil by prayer made it ever ready for a fresh wave of revival. Please continue to pray that every seed that got planted and every encounter, revelation, move of God remains and only increases in their fire and devotion for Jesus. They are perfectly positioned for a mighty move of God to spread from the heartland like wild fire. They’ve experienced revival in the past and are a praying church, positioned to steward a fresh move of the Spirit. Pray for more oil and that the fire was ignited afresh spreads across the land.

Miracle House

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

This is a true story of God’s faithfulness and miraculous provision to bless exceedingly abundantly above all we could hope, dream, or imagine. It’s also a story of simple obedience. May you be blessed and stirred with increasingly greater measures of faith than ever before.

Reflecting of the Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness over the previous Decade

Back in February of 2022, I was reflecting on the 10-year anniversaries that happened for me a decade before. New Year’s Eve December 31, 2011, I was ordained by Heidi Baker. A week after that, I began a project on the Apostolic Inheritance of California where I interviewed her and Bill Johnson the same week. In early February, I launched my first Writing in the Glory workshop at a local coffee shop with 3 other people. Then in February 2012, I stepped out in radical faith to found what later would become known as Destiny House. During this unique birthing season, I had no car, little money, and was sleeping on a blow-up air mattress on my friend’s floor, contending and believing for breakthrough while being stretched beyond what I had experienced before. In March, I released my 4th book Life on Wings: The Forgotten Life and Theology of Carrie Judd Montgomery (1858-1946) and then several months after that, I began working on Defining Moments book with Bill Johnson. To read all God did in that unique season, see blog entitled Destiny House History and Breakthrough.


“God wants to give you a home, but you have to start looking”

So fast forward to ten years after that significant birthing season in my life to now in 2022. Because of the weight of the 10-year anniversaries, I felt led to reconnect with Heidi to invite her to pray into the next decade with me. We were supposed to meet on the Friday, but it got switched to where I ended up with her and her friend on Saturday February 5, 2022 where we sat on the beach and she shared testimonies of house breakthroughs in her own life. Then she prophesied over us and prayed that God would also bring us breakthrough in that area. She told me, “God wants to give you a house, but you have to start looking.”


I had tried to buy a house by faith years back and had also looked into purchasing a home in a few different places but nothing ever came to pass. What she said to me in that moment was not on my immediate radar or anything I was considering at that time. I had forgotten about my dream to get a home because it felt so impossible and out of reach. I honestly didn’t do much with her encouragement because I knew I didn’t have the resources and I was fine where I was at. Then when I found out she was coming back to the area and speaking at my church in June, I realized I better get the ball rolling before she came back to honor her speaking into my life and take it seriously.


Finally Beginning the Process

It wasn’t until May 16, 2022 that I actually began to apply for a house loan so I could position myself for this miracle. God connected me with an incredible loan person named Kim who I had met doing tent revival stuff the summer before. She prayed for me throughout the whole process and was such a gift. On June 14th, two days after Heidi Baker spoke at my church, I got approved for a loan which was a miracle in and of itself. As I was searching online for homes, I realized if I was going to step out in faith for a home, I needed to love it and for it to feel like a refuge and retreat. I couldn’t come near affording anything in Orange County so I ended up being drawn to look in the mountains where I would regularly go to unplug and write in small mini-houses in the forest. Homes were more affordable there and they were right in nature.


“The only reason I’ m looking is because my spiritual mother told me that God wanted to give me a house.”

I had already booked a mini-house Getaway stay in the mountains about an hour from my home in June and decided to look at homes in the nearby area since I was already out there. My real estate agent, Jon, drove all the way up to the mountain to show me some homes on June 16, 2012. Nothing really caught my eye and I remember telling him, “I don’t really need to buy a house, and I am not in a hurry, and I don’t have the money. The only reason I am looking is because my spiritual mother told me that God wants to give me a house and I need to start looking to position myself for the miracle.” After every house falling short of my expectations, I felt bad for Jon since he had come all that way for nothing. Then at the end of a tiring afternoon, I asked him to come see where I was staying so he could get a better idea of what I was looking for. I showed him the inside of the mini-house with the one big window looking out into nature and told him I want something like that. He probably thought I was crazy, but I knew the only way this was ever going to happen was if it was a miracle straight from heaven.


Could this be the “one”?

As the weeks went on, I was busy traveling, and honestly a bit discouraged after our first failed attempt of looking at houses. I didn’t look for houses as vigilantly as before and only looked online here and there. Late July, I was getting ready to go up to Redding for the first time since I was there when the world locked down in March 2020 and Jon reached out to see if I had any time to look at homes again. I literally only had Saturday, on July 30th, open before heading out of town again. I had been watching one home that I really liked and saw that the price kept dropping. I wondered if this could be the “one.” He encouraged me to find a few other homes so we could look at several since we were already making the trip out there. I found a few others to look at and one that caught my eye but was way over my price range just for fun.


We met up and looked at a few homes but I didn’t connect with any of them. Then we went to see the one that way over my budget but had some cool windows and furniture. It was super close to the town but felt secluded at the same time. There were no homes in front of it and it had four windows looking straight into the forest. There were wood floors, 3 fireplaces, and 4 air conditioners which was rare to find in the mountain homes. I liked the home, however this was not the one I had my heart set on originally that we had not yet seen and it was $200K over my price range. When we finally made it to the one I had been watching online that was more in my price range, it was nothing like I thought it would be. I didn’t like the location or anything about the house. That was a clear no. We still had another couple homes to check out after that one. We did find another home that also looked like it could be a good fit. It had a separate little room on a hill that could work well for a prayer and writing room and was out in the country. But my heart kept leading me back to the earlier home we saw with the four big windows looking into nature with wood floors and furnished.


At the end of the day, it was clear, I really loved the house that was outside of my budget, but since God was giving me a home and I felt that I had found the pearl of great price, I decided to trust Him and dive in.


Stepping out of the Boat

August 1, I put in an offer with a letter encouraging the seller to sell me the home because I wanted to have a place to pray and write. The seller didn’t come down much at all but he did agree to sell me the home and thus I could avoid any potential bidding wars and house drama. I still felt really drawn to this home so by Tuesday night (8/2/2022) after a little back and forth, while I was at my homegroup, I signed the contract to purchase the home. I headed to Redding that next week and was also working on finalizing my 10th book All Who Are Thirsty which had also been on my heart and in my computer for ten years waiting to be released. I canceled my trip back to Maui that month because getting approved for a loan and buying a home felt like a full-time job with all of the paperwork and inspections and things, I needed to do to get ready.


Miracle or Bust

There was no way I could close escrow at the end of the month and make the final payments to close without the miraculous intervention of God. I was trusting that God would make a way where there was no way and taking each step as far as I could. Praise God, He provided through the body of Christ in a special way.



August 30th I released my 10th All Who Are Thirsty book in my homegroup which was so special to do together in family. Michael & Ivey Ketterer and the whole homegroup was praying with me step by step as I moved forward with believing for the impossible. The next day I signed like a million documents to finalize the loan and September 1, I launched our School of Revival intensive on the Apostolic Inheritance of California. My goal was to move into the new home to teach from my own land, carrying the authority and putting a stake in the ground in the soil of California. However, there kept being delays. So, by Friday, I drove by faith toward the property praying that by the time I got there the city would have it recorded so I could legally move in. I had to get the internet set up that night in order to teach the next day from there. On my drive there, I got the call that everything went through and that the home was officially mine! I got the internet set up that night, then taught the final sessions on the Apostolic Inheritance of California from my own home in California!!! This all happened on Labor Day weekend! I feel I just birthed 3 babies and it was over Labor Day weekend: My 10th book, the Apostolic Inheritance of California training I had been waiting 10 years to release, and of course, my miracle home released all in the same week!


Receive Great Faith

All that to say, there is something powerful in submitting to those you are in covenant with. Buying a home was not on my radar in this season at all but it was on God’s. I am so grateful Heidi shared her own house breakthrough testimonies and prophesied over me that day on the beach in February. I am grateful that God gave me the grace to step out by faith to begin the search and see what He might do. I am grateful for all of the midwives who partnered in prayer every step of the way with me and for those who sowed in to making this dream become a reality.


I am wondering if there might be more windows of opportunity available to step into in this Kairos moment if we simply step out of the boat to follow the slightest stirrings of the Holy Spirit for such a time as this. This home is exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask, hope, dream, or imagine. It feels like it was hand crafted and made just me, hidden until the perfect time He wanted to release it. Sometimes we simply have to just take that first step of faith and move toward Him and what He is putting in front of us and the doors might just open wide.


There was not just one window peering directly into nature, but four. I don’t know about you, but that just demonstrates the goodness of our God to do the impossible on our behalf simply because He loves us and has good things in store for us. This is probably the third time I’ve ventured out to buy a home by faith. Third time is charm and when God is on it, He’s on it. I had a praying mortgage lender, a kindhearted real estate agent, and help and confirmation wherever I turned. But I still had to take the first step.


What might He be saying to you in this season? Are there any slight stirrings that are deep within your heart that He might inviting you to explore once again? Might this be the season, the time, the Kairos moment when things that were impossible in times past come together in perfect alignment under the kingdom for such a time as this? Is there a window of opportunity waiting for you to step into?


If you never step out and go for it, you will never know.

Blessing you with razor sharp focus to keep your full attention on the face of Jesus and supernatural faith to lean into His promises over your life for such a time as this.


After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” ­–Revelation 4:1

Thanks to everyone who partnered in prayer, sowing in, and having faith alongside of me for this life-changing breakthrough. None of this could have been possible without your support! If anyone else would like to sow into all God wants to do in this Miracle Home, you can do so at JenMiskovMinistries.com.

Jennifer Miskov
The Apostolic Inheritance of California

 by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. and Revival Historian

For those who have eyes to see, there is a powerful prophetic destiny over California. As the saying goes, “As goes California, so goes the nation.” The influence that comes from California has the power to impact the world. Just imagine what would happen if the entire state of California was on fire with revival, it could transform the world.

I never realized calling out the gold in a region could be so controversial, however, it must be done, and the truth must be told. California is an anointed land of revival. It is a land where revivalists are born and where many are launched into their destinies.

I freely admit that I was born and bred in Southern California, and I truly LOVE this state because I am able to see it through heaven’s redemptive lens. I grew up under John Wimber’s ministry in the Vineyard, enjoyed the in-depth Bible teaching of Calvary Chapels, intersected with Heidi Baker when I was a student at Vanguard University and later was ordained by her, and later spent seven years under Bill Johnson’s ministry in Redding before returning full circle back to Southern California. All that to say, I don’t believe it’s an accident that God placed me here for such a time as this. And whether you are from California or not, I pray this small offering will shift your perspective to see and call out the gold of this apostolic state and inspire you to dig to find the gold in your own region as well.


“Hot Furnace”

The name California is derived from the Spanish origin to mean “hot furnace.” California truly is a furnace with revival fire ready to catalyze another great awakening. God’s heart for California is for redemption and alignment in accordance with its truest identity and destiny. God’s heart is burning to touch the nations through yielded lovers fully surrendered to His call. This land is pregnant with yet another great awakening.


Economic, Media, Natural

California is a place where apostolic Holy Spirit revival movements are birthed. When I use the term apostolic, I am referring to something that has great influence, is exponentially multiplied, releases impartation, and is exported around the world. Not only are there deep wells of revival in California that have watered the world with the rivers of living waters, but there is also an apostolic anointing on the economics, media, and even physical land.

Aside from looking at anything spiritual, California alone, if it was a country would have the 5th biggest economy in the world ($3.1 trillion). Some of the big name companies that have influenced the world started or found their home here: Apple, Facebook, Wells Fargo, McDonalds, and more. The technology that influences our generation is housed in this state. Hollywood, the pioneer for media that shapes the world, found fertile soil in California. Disneyland, “the happiest place on earth,” was also born here. Whatever gets birthed or makes its home in California, knowingly or unknowingly, is tapping into the apostolic nature of this land. What people plant here has the potential to grow exponentially and be exported around the globe, whether good or bad.

Even in the natural, this land yields a great harvest. This state is the 5th largest supplier of food and other products to the entire world and is the largest provider of food to the nation. The diversity of the land allows for over 450 different crops to be grown here. California produces and exports the most almonds than any other place in the world. It is also the fourth largest producer of wine in the world and provides for over 90% of the wine in the U.S.A. It also leads the nation in providing strawberries. And the list could go on.[i] 

California is unique in other ways. It has the highest population of any other state. California also has the highest point (Mount Whitney 14,505 ft) and the lowest point of 282 feet below sea level (Death Valley) of any other states on the mainland. The Golden Gate Bridge that was built in San Francisco in 1937 was at the time, the world’s longest and tallest suspension bridge in the world. It was said to have been an impossible feat.



Aside from the significance and influence this state has in economics, natural resources, and influence in both media and technology for the world, there is a great spiritual inheritance in this land. California is a place where revivalists are born and a place where budding revivalists come and are then birthed and launched into their apostolic destiny. Many Holy Spirit movements that have impacted the world found their beginnings in California. This land of pioneers has seen spiritual pioneers paving the way for us. 

  • Carrie Judd Montgomery (1858-1946) pioneered some of the earliest healing homes in our nation when she moved from New York to California. She established the Home of Peace healing home in Oakland, CA in 1893, over 20 years before John G. Lake’s healing rooms. Her ministry was catalytic to launch missionaries, revivalists, and healing homes across the nation.

  • The Azusa Street Revival which birthed American Pentecostalism which has impacted more in our generation with encountering the Holy Spirit than any previous generation. This apostolic revival movement that is still impacting us today began in a little home with a handful of people in Los Angeles in 1906.

  • Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944) left her hometown in Canada and came to California when her ministry was launched. She was the first evangelist on the radio in 1922 and pioneered the first Christian radio station in 1924. She built her Angelus Temple in Los Angeles in 1923 and launched her apostolic movement International Church of the Foursquare Gospel in 1927. From her ministry base, she fed more people in the Great Depression in Los Angeles than the Red Cross.

  • Billy Graham (1918-2018) was relatively unknown until he ventured to California to do a tent meeting in Los Angeles in 1949. When publisher William Randolph Hearst sent a telegram to all his newspapers to “puff Graham,” the newspapers gave him free publicity, he extended his meetings for weeks, and the evangelist Billy Graham became an overnight celebrity.

  • The Jesus People Movement with mass baptisms of hippies at Corona Del Mar was in part catalyzed by a hippie preacher named Lonnie Frisbee (1949-1993) who allowed himself to be used by the Spirit in his day. He not only impacted the Jesus Movement, but he was also catalytic for the Calvary Chapel and Vineyard Movements.

  • John Wimber (1934-1997) launched the Vineyard Movement to new heights and spread healing, signs and wonders, intimate worship, and a heart for the poor around the globe from Anaheim, CA.

  • Heidi Baker (1959-present), who has since gone on to transform the nation of Mozambique, was born in Orange County, went to Vanguard University (fruit from the Azusa Street Revival) where she met her husband Rolland, and through pioneering Iris Global, has touched nearly every nation in the world.

This is only the TIP of the Iceberg. I don’t have time to share about Keith Green who established The GreenHouse in L.A. where he lived with his family and then opened their home to those in need. They later opened other houses and launched their ministry to help drug attics, prostitutes, and those in need. His music shaped a generation. Henrietta Mears was a Sunday school teacher at Hollywood Presbyterian Church from  1928-1963 who impacted Bill Bright who launched Campus Crusade for Christ, Jim Rayburn of Young Life, Billy Graham and more. Chuck Smith launched the Calvary Chapel movement from Costa Mesa, CA.

Loren Cunningham founded Y.W.A.M. (Youth With A Mission) in 1960 in his parent’s California home. Trinity Broadcasting Network that has released Christian media around the globe was founded in 1973 in Southern California. Rick Warren, author of the Purpose Driven Life, led Saddleback Church for many years which touched the globe. Bill Johnson led Bethel Church in Redding, CA in releasing impartation of the revival culture there around the globe. Revival Culture. Lou Engle birthed The Call while in California. And the list of revivalists and/or global apostolic ministries that have been birthed in California could go on and on.


There is an Inheritance Awaiting

I have only just scratched the surface here but I do notice a pattern. This is a land of apostolic inheritance. The wells of revival are deep in this land. These waters are freely available for all who can choose to honor the past and see the gold. This land is pregnant yet again with another great awakening. I pray your perspective, prayers, and understanding of California has shifted and become more aligned with heaven’s perspective. May God not only reveal the gold from this state to you, but also the gold in your home region, your family, and even deep inside yourself.

To learn more about this theme and dig even deeper, join us Sept. 1-3 in our online School of Revival training for our more in-depth training on the Apostolic Inheritance of California. Learn more or register here today!

Jennifer Miskov
Running to the Altar

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

I had the opportunity to minister in Washington this past weekend (June 24-25, 2022) and wow! The hunger, expectation, and way they prepared the ground with intercession was powerful. God moved in such a marking way during the Friday night revival meeting. There was one moment I will never forget as long as I live.

After worship, I got invited up to speak. My teaching never got released in its original form because God showed up and released it in His manifested presence and power instead. As we dove into the river of the Holy Spirit and just waited upon God, He began to stir the waters. His presence descended upon us. We were not hasty to move from that place. We remained there, fixing our eyes upon Him and leaning in to see what was on heaven’s agenda for that night. While we were waiting, praying, I had a prophetic word for someone who I later found out was a pioneering leader in that region.

Even though I did not formally give the message I had prepared, the call nevertheless remained the same. I’ve always been struck by the Moravian missionaries who were willing to lay down their rights for the sake of the Gospel. Some even sold themselves into slavery so they could reach the slaves for Christ. Having several close friends who are a part of the persecuted church and hearing firsthand stories of what is happening around the world now as well as recently finishing our School of Revival intensive on the theme of Martyrdom, I felt compelled to do something I had never done before. I was in the presence of a people whom God had prepared and made ready. He was inviting, even just one, who would lay down his or her life and be willing to be martyred for the call of Christ. Technically, this is the call of every Christian when we choose to surrender our lives to Christ. But there was a weightiness and in the presence of God and river of the Holy Spirit, I asked if there might just be one who would be willing to lay down their life for the cause of Christ no matter what the cost.

I believe God is preparing the western church for persecution that we haven’t yet faced. We must be ready. So, as I was sharing about this call and encouraging people not to make this decision hastily but to really weigh the cost before responding, a young mother who had a baby strapped on her chest RAN from the back to the altar trembling under the mighty hand of God. The fire and anointing was increasing upon her there at the altar. Following her courageous act of devotion to Jesus, others soon rushed to the altar to lay down their lives in surrender, willing to pay any price.

This is the fearless mother, Stephanie, who ran to the front with her baby the night before this. Such a radical pioneer Jesus lover.

If we can get to the point where we would be willing to die for Christ, I believe the way we live would look a lot different. My friends who are literally on the front lines and experiencing some of the most horrific persecution you can imagine, they live differently. When you are on the front lines, your perspective, and the way you live your life is never casual or compromising in any way. You literally are depended upon Jesus for your very life.

All that to say, something beautiful and marking happened in Washington this past weekend that I will never forget. I am so grateful to God for crashing in and so moved and humbled by the response of these laid down lovers. I can’t wait to see how God will use their absolute yielded devotion to Him to release His love, fire, and glory to this world.

I believe this testimony is a prophetic call to many more hungry ones around the world who might be willing to lay down their rights for the sake of unity and even their lives for the cause of Christ. If that’s you, I encourage you to lay prostrate before the Lord as an act of total surrender and ask for Him to send His fire upon your life. Lay down all your rights. Ask Him to come and fill you with His Holy Spirit. Then yield quickly to the leading of Holy Spirit and see how God will use your laid down life for His glory for such a time as this.

“Embracing the call to martyrdom is not so much about aiming to die well as much as it is about aiming to love well.” –Dalton Thomas, author of Unto Death: Martyrdom, Missions, and the Maturity of the Church 

“If you have not discovered something you are willing to die for, then you are not fit to live.” –Martin Luther King Jr.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” – Romans 12:1 written by the Apostle Paul, who was later martyred for his faith

Learn more about or join our next Martyrdom School of Revival module HERE

P.S. I also got to stay on a farm, ride a horse named Jack, and enjoy the random “heat wave” they like to call it of perfect sunny Southern California weather I brought with me to Washington. Super grateful to Tracy for inviting me to be a part of what God is doing in her community, Tina and Gateway family for welcoming me, Dawnelle for her warm hospitality, and my incredible team of School of Revival and Destiny House family that came together to help birth a new thing there. Sara, Amy, and Tracy so grateful for you coming out to partner together. Such a special time!

A Revival Historian's Surprise Visit on the Jesus Revolution Movie Set

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.  

 On April 6, 2022, the day before launching my next online School of Revival on the theme of Martyrdom, I headed down to a beach I rarely visit but is known as a historic well of revival in Southern California. One of the last times I visited Pirate’s Cove was during the COVID-19 lockdown. My friend Jessi Green with Saturate Global was hosting a revival meeting there on August 7, 2020. On that day, also the final day of our School of Revival intensive on Pioneering Revival, many people were baptized in the Pacific Ocean just like so many new believers were in the height of the Jesus Movement in the 1960s and 1970s.  

 On my latest visit to Pirate’s Cove, I thought I would enjoy a secluded, mid-week quiet time with God. To my surprise, when I walked down the stairs toward the parking lot, I noticed it was filled with media trucks, tents, and people bustling around. Then, when I got to the overlook, I saw that the cove had been turned into a movie set! My curiosity led me further to investigate.  

When I got to the sand, it felt like I was transported to the early ‘70s. I was surrounded by hippies! When the crew broke for lunch, I approached someone to learn more about what they were filming. I knew I was in a significant well of revival where legendary Lonnie Frisbee baptized people during the Jesus People Movement and wondered if this movie was going to re-tell his story. It turned out I was talking with one of the film’s directors and writers, Jon Erwin. Erwin was so kind to stop and chat with me for a bit. He told me the movie they were shooting, titled Jesus Revolution, does in fact include Lonnie.

Growing up in Southern California in the Vineyard movement led by the late John Wimber, I often heard stories about a hippie evangelist named Lonnie Frisbee who had helped birth the Jesus People Movement and had been catalytic to release the Holy Spirit in the Vineyard movement. One story stood out: Mother’s Day in 1980 Frisbee was invited to speak at the Anaheim Vineyard for the first time. When he welcomed the Holy Spirit to come in power, it is said that when he lifted his hands up in a V-shape, people fell out in the Spirit in the same direction as his hands. Something broke open that day and there was a radical release of the Holy Spirit that shaped our movement to this day. I consider myself so blessed to have grown up in and continue to live in the momentum and ripple effects of one hippie preacher’s “yes” to be yielded to the Holy Spirit. I was thrilled to discover his story would be featured in a major movie.

 As I was talking with Erwin, Greg Laurie walked up, and Jon introduced me to him. Laurie is pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside and played a significant role in the Jesus People Movement himself. He was greatly impacted by Frisbee and had also been present at many of the historic baptisms that took place at Pirate’s Cove. I later found out that the movie is largely based around Laurie’s story.


Before I left that day, I gave Jon and Greg a copy of one of my books on the Azusa Street Revival because it tells the story of other deep apostolic wells of revival here in Southern California. When Jon received my book, he noticed that the subtitle of Ignite Azusa: Positioning for a New JESUS REVOLUTION had the exact name of their movie in it! I hadn’t realized that at the time I gave him the book. Before I left, Jon invited me to come back the next day to be an extra.  

So, there I was, a Southern Californian revival historian at a well of revival simply in awe of what was unfolding before my eyes. When I returned the next day, now as an extra, I saw Jonathan Roumie, who plays Lonnie Frisbee in the film (and Jesus in The Chosen). He was doing a recreation of the baptism scenes. As they filmed, I could feel the presence of God on the set. It felt authentic as if people were really getting baptized. I prayed, God do it again! Let the synergy of these anointed saints re-digging this well of revival catalyze a new Jesus Revolution in our day!  

It was amazing to see how God brought together just the right people at just the right time to recover this important and often misunderstood story. The timing of this film is prophetic especially in a time where cancel culture has become more prevalent. Lonnie’s contribution to the body of Christ needs to be recognized. It provides hope for us that God can and will use anyone, regardless of their faults, who gives a yielded yes to the Holy Spirit. I am so grateful that this film is celebrating his legacy and honoring his impact to the body of Christ.  

Seeing this revival story captured on film feels significant. Could it be a divine prophecy that once again God wants to move through this generation in an incredible way? Might God be stirring up a new Jesus Revolution in our day? He did it once before; He can do it again. Maybe, just maybe, if we have eyes to see, we might even recognize that it’s already begun!   

Rules for War: How to Partner with Heaven in Times of Crisis

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. 

Rees Howells (1879-1950) was a man set apart by God after a radical account where he chose to surrender fully. After being a part of the Welsh Revival in 1904-05, he set out to spread the revival throughout Southeastern Africa (including Mozambique), where he saw miracles, healings, and over 10,000 salvations. When God called him back to Wales, rather than continue to travel the world, he was led to a life of intercession (the carrying the burden in focused prayer until the breakthrough or release has come). He was also moved by the Spirit to open a school to train people to walk in a similar lifestyle of faith as he had been called.

With the equivalent of only $0.15 to his name, in 1924, he founded The Wales Bible College which was a place where “young people might come to learn a life of faith, and above all be filled with the Holy Spirit.”[1] Howells was a man of profound consecration and intercession with a calling to raise up a tribe of intercessors. A decade after the school was founded, he felt led by the Spirit to shift the focus of the school to intercede over world affairs. During World War II, these prayer warriors were mobilized as one to pray that God would “bend Hitler.”[2]

Through intercession and prophetic insights, they specifically targeted cities and countries they felt needed to be protected during the war. During prayer, God revealed to Howells that Russia would be attacked. The school responded by interceding for Moscow, which was miraculously protected from Nazi capture.[3]

In his lifetime, Howells raised up an army of intercessors who prayed through major world crises in World War II, prepared the way for missionaries, and both partnered in releasing and paved the way for future revival.[4]



There are important keys in Howell’s legacy and from Scripture that we can learn from today as we face major world crises and seek to be led by the Holy Spirit in our prayers..

1. Our intercession is significant and we have authority in Christ Jesus to bring change through our prayers

Like how Howells was given prophetic revelation of the plans of the enemy and able to intercede to partner with God to reroute and bring protection in a region, so can we seek the Lord for revelation in knowing how to pray effectively to see His kingdom come and for the light to pierce through the darkness.

In Acts 12:1-3, we learn that King Herod put James to death by the sword and then proceeded to seize Peter with a likely outcome to follow. In response to Peter’s imprisonment however, something very different happened in how the church responded than in how they responded to James’ capture. We don’t read anywhere that the church interceded for James but for Peter, we see in Acts 12:5 that “the church was earnestly praying to God for him.” The result of these intercessions for Peter had a drastically differently outcome. Because the church was praying, instead of him falling to the same fate as James, he was miraculously delivered from prison and the impending death that awaited (see Acts 12:6-18).

It wasn’t that the believers liked Peter more than James, but they learned the negative impact of their lack of intercession in the loss of James and immediately shifted so that the same result would not happen again to Peter. In turn through their focused intercession for the persecuted saint, they were able to partner in prayer to set the captive free and release protection from the enemy.


2. We don’t fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powerS

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

–Ephesians 6:10-13


3. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but have divine power to demolish strongholdS

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 

–2 Corinthians 10:3-5



4. God can change the hearts of leaders in a moment

In Acts 9:1-19, we see that Saul, a key persecutor of the church who “was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples,” was sovereignly encountered by God in a divine encounter. The enemy of believers was instantly turned into Paul who became one of the most influential apostles who spread the gospel we’ve ever know.

God is all powerful. We can intercede for Saul to Paul conversions in the hearts of leaders who are partnering with evil rather than good.

We must also be vigilant to pray for protection and wisdom over all of our leaders and those placed in power, that they would be moved by the hand of God.


5. Praise is powerful and defeats armies

In 2 Chronicles 20, we see how King Jehoshaphat was faced with the impending attack of an exceedingly great army. He responded to this by seeking God first and then giving Him thanks by offering up praise and worship. He sent his worshipers to the front lines of battle to give God thanks and declare His enduring love. As he and his people set their faces toward worshiping God in the midst of the impending destruction, placing all of their trust in the Almighty God to save them, God worked on behind the scenes on their behalf to completely destroy their enemies without them having to do anything other than worship.

“As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.” –2 Chronicles 2:22 

As we choose to worship God and put all of our trust in Him alone, He is our great deliverer and help in time of need.

Read Defeating Armies by Praise blog for more in depth on this theme

I hope and pray that Rees Howells’ testimony and the revelations from God’s Word will help position you to strategically partner with heaven to see God be glorified in every crisis we face. Together, unified as one body, let us partner together to see God’s rule and reign become established and for His glory cover the earth. Today I pray that a fire will be ignited deep within you to intercede together with other burning ones to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven for such a time as this. Amen.

See short teaching more in depth on this subject below.


[1] Doris M. Ruscoe, The Intercession of Rees Howells (Blowing Rock, NC: Zerubbabel Press, 1983), 100.

[2] Norman Grubb, Rees Howells Intercessor (Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1952), 209. Remember that it was when Evan Roberts prayed for the Lord to “bend” him that he had a significant encounter. They were praying the same for Hitler.

[3] Doris M. Ruscoe, The Intercession of Rees Howells, 28.

[4] This section on Rees Howells was largely based off of Chapter 10 in Defining Moments by Bill Johnson with Jennifer A. Miskov (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2016), 189-210.



“If you have not discovered something you are willing to die for, then you are not fit to live.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Join our next 10 day LIVE online School of Revival intensive on the theme of persecution and martyrdom. Meet other burning ones from around the world. Learn from those who have come before to be inspired and catalyzed to step into and fulfill your God given destiny in a family of sold out Jesus lovers.

Word for the New Year 2022: Fire to Glory

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD.

“Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” –Hebrews 12:26-29

A Second Wave

Over the last couple of years, there has been a sifting and refining that has taken place in the church. The hidden places were uncovered and God, through His mercy, extended an invitation to repent. I feel that in 2022, there will now be a second wave of refining fire sweeping across the church. This fire will not only go deeper in exposing the roots of sin in order to heal and re-establish on healthy foundations, but it will call us all to a higher level of consecration and devotion to Jesus in our everyday lives so that we can steward the increasing glory God wants to pour out.

The first wave of refining took out many who started their journey strong but got distracted or sidelined by fame, hidden sins, undealt with brokenness, or who were not deeply rooted in Jesus. There is now another refining coming that will purify at an even deeper level. The fire I am referring to is the fire of God’s presence and holiness. The Lord in His mercy, is sending this second wave to prepare us to learn how to live in the fire, refined and consecrated so that we can receive all that He has for us. This invitation to live in the fire is not as much a turning from sin, but it’s a call to those who are already walking in obedience to become even deeper rooted in His presence to steward the incoming glory. It’s an invitation to have greater union with God Himself.

Living in the Fire

When we learn to live in this fire rather than avoid it, when the fire does come, sometimes through increasing favor and other times through trials or persecution, we will already be purified to the core of our being so it won’t take us out. When we welcome the fire of God to examine our motives and purify our hearts, to purge us of anything that would hinder honoring His holiness, we will be immoveable to the swirl and constantly changing atmospheres around us. We will be established in Him as our Source and anchored in the Word of God which is His eternal truth.

In this new year, inspired by our burning love and devotion to Jesus and led by the Holy Spirit, may we seek to honor God by walking in purity at a deeper level (2 Corinthians 7:1). There is a seriousness about His holiness that must be respected. We must position ourselves to stand under the incoming greater glory so that we are not crushed by it. What we will face in the future demands a deeper level of consecration now so that when persecution knocks at our door, we can withstand the increasing shaking.

“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty… ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” –Haggai 2:6-9

Take Your Place

I know this is a heavier word than I have released before and more of a warning, a calling to walk on the highway of holiness and to raise the plumbline, but times are changing. I just released a book called Fasting for Fire and am preparing for our online School of Revival on the theme of Martyrdom this spring. We must get ready. This is no time to flirt with the things of the world. We must set our faces like flint before the King of kings. We must come off the sidelines and step into the front lines if we are not already standing here.

I pray the Holy Spirit uses this word to both apprehend and inspire you to throw off everything that hinders and run the race destined for you, fixing your eyes on Jesus, the glorious and holy one who paid a price for loving you.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross…” –Hebrews 12:1-2

Happy New Year! May we run into the fire of His love and holiness together and may we live our lives in such a way to honor the great price He paid (Romans 12:1).

If you want to find your place in the kingdom of God, join our global online School of Revival family and run with us!

Burning ones Fast and Fasting ones Burn: Cultivating Greater Hunger for God

Excerpt taken from Chapter 1 in Fasting for Fire: Igniting Fresh Fire to Feast upon God
by Jennifer A. Miskov. Ph.D.

My recommendation for the Christian church today is to call a moratorium on all activity and focus on coming into worship until the fire descends and engulfs us in the sacredness of His presence.(1)

—A. W. Tozer


Burning ones fast and fasting ones burn.

Fasting and fire are inseparable. There is something about fasting that ignites an all-consuming fire for God inside. Fire brings us to a place of intense focus. Fire can also represent passionate, burning love. No other lovers can compete for our attention when we are captivated, on fire, and intently focused on the face of Jesus.

Hebrews 12:29 says that our God “is a consuming fire.” Choosing to live in the fire is essentially embracing the fiery presence of God Himself. When doing this continuously, there is a unique purity and consecration that happens. In the fire, everything must be purified and refined like gold. There is a respect for the holiness of God by welcoming a life refined by the fire.(2)

Fire can also represent revival. If we define one element of revival as simply being more in love with Jesus and completely yielded for His purposes, then as we focus our gaze upon the fire in His eyes, signs, wonders, and miracles are sure to follow. We don’t need to strive for revival to be released through our lives when our hearts burn for the One Thing more than any other lover. Revival is something that will naturally flow from the fire of God’s presence in our lives and our intimate communion with Him.


Resurgence of Fasting

Fasting for Fire: Igniting Fresh Hunger to Feast Upon God originally came from a blog I wrote in 2014 entitled “Fasting: The Lost Art of Feasting Upon God.” Interestingly enough, this has been one of my most frequented blogs. This surprised me. I always loved fasting, but to realize others were also interested was a fascinating discovery. Because I have experienced God in powerful ways as I have adopted a lifestyle of fasting, I want to share more about this pathway to intimacy and show how easily accessible it is no matter one’s starting point.

We are alive at such a unique time in history when God is bringing in one of the greatest harvests of souls we’ve ever known. So many people will be entering into the family of God in this new season. How amazing would it be if, when people entered into the kingdom of God, they also embraced a lifestyle of fasting that was marked by intimacy, consecration, and revival from the very start?

Unfortunately, many Christians have yet to discover or embrace the gift of fasting in our day. But what if fasting were not something exceptional in our generation? What would happen if spiritual fasting became a regular part of the Christian life rather than something reserved only for the religious elite? Or better yet, what if fasting for fire became the norm? I wonder what deeper levels of union with Jesus and profound revelation of the Holy Spirit might be tapped into when more believers access this pathway to intimacy. What type of deeper communion, extraordinary miracles, mass salvations, defining moments, increased anointing, and power might be released when the body of Christ strengthens her muscles in this way? How many more revival fires might be ignited when a community of burning ones gathers together, praying and fasting to take hold of more of God?

When a generation embraces the fire of God by setting themselves apart to fast, we will see an unstoppable army of lovers running hard after Him regardless of the cost. These fiery, consecrated, and set-apart saints will turn the world upside down for His glory. And fasting will be one of the pathways to increase and sustain their flame of love for Jesus.


In my studies of revival history over the last several decades, the number one attribute that is present in the beginnings of almost every revival I’ve looked at is hunger. I discovered that hunger was the strongest component that initially stirred people to pray, position themselves, press in, and be desperate for a move of God. This hunger was first stirred up in their own lives, which later became catalytic for everyone around them.

So, if hunger for more of God is one of the most prominent elements God has used in history to catalyze revivals, wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a way for us to cultivate greater hunger for God today?

What if I told you that there is something very practical you can do today to cultivate increased hunger for God? Or that there is something you can integrate into your lifestyle that will radically accelerate your spiritual growth? Well, I have good news for you. There is! Fasting done with the right motives is one sure way to grow your hunger for God and access deeper levels of intimacy with Him. Besides asking God to give you the gift of hunger, you can also choose to embrace a lifestyle of fasting to grow your hunger for Him. A lifestyle of fasting can also contribute to greater anointing and power working through your life as you continue to yield to the Holy Spirit.


Let me just say from the start that fasting is not the answer.

Jesus is the answer.

Fasting is not a formula to get God to do what we want. Fasting is simply one of the gifts or pathways to intimacy given to us that can help accelerate our growth in Christ and lead us into deeper union with Him. If signs, wonders, and miracles follow times of fasting, that’s amazing. However, that is not the focus of our fasting or our end game here. The point of fasting for fire is to get more of Jesus and allow Him to get more of us. Fasting is simply an invitation to know God more. It is all for Jesus. It must begin in Him, find its source in Him, and end with more of Him. In all of our fastings, may we get more of Jesus as our reward.

1 A. W. Tozer, The Fire of God’s Presence: Drawing Near to a Holy God edited by James L. Snyder (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2020), 41.

2 See Leviticus 6:8–13; Matthew 3:11; Romans 12:1–2.

Kabod Glory Released in North Carolina Revival Meetings

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. Revival Historian / photos by Paul Tellefsen

What a special way to end the Saturate Digging the Wells of Revival Tour in Locust, North Carolina August 12-14, 2021 led by Parker and Jessi Green. It felt as if though the momentum continued to increase from meeting to meeting throughout the tour. There was so much acceleration, increased glory, and anointing every time we gathered.

Night 1: Continuing the Momentum from Kentucky

Saturate Global’s final stop of the tour found us in Locust North, Carolina August 12-14, 2021 where we were hosted by Pastor Alan Didio and his Encounter Today team who prepared the way so incredibly. They even walked the grounds and prayed over the land daily in the weeks leading up to the revival meetings. The first night of the event on Thursday August 12, Jessi preached with passion, spontaneous baptisms took place, many got saved, healed, and delivered. Pastor Alan also shared a fiery word and Ben Hughes released healing.


Night 2: Swept up in a Moment with Heaven

Night two of the event, Friday August 13, happened to be the anniversary date of the Moravian Pentecost that took place in 1727 which later went on to birth the 24-7 prayer movement, the protestant mission’s movement and more. Jessi began the evening session with a salvation altar call right from the start. Then Parker preached and helped us recognize the weight of how one small seed can grow into a massive tree. He also released a blessing and charge over all the men gathered.

As people came up to get baptized, I will never forget watching one little girl realize the weight of her yes to get baptized and break into tears into her father’s arms. She got marked and then fell out in the Spirit afterwards, along with her little sister who also got baptized and then her parents also went down under the power of God. It was a family affair!


The band played the Yesua song, baptisms were happening, and then during all the craziness, there was a moment I will never forget. In the midst of all of baptisms and deliverances taking place, and as worship was continuing on, we were all swept up into another realm of glory. I remember at one point I stopped praying for people and just looked around to recognize what was happening. Others felt a shift too. Those at the baptism tanks stopped baptizing and lifted their hands in worship to the King of kings.

Heaven broke in and apprehended us. We all experienced greater realms of glory. It felt like we were in the middle of a war zone, on the front lines helping people get set free when suddenly, God Himself descended upon us with His tangible manifest presence. We had to pause everything to simply worship and adore Him face to face. It was a radical reminder that He was right there in our midst in a powerful way.

Night 3: Kabod Glory

For our final night (August 14) of our North Carolina revival tour and our whole summer of Re-digging the Wells of Revival tour, we found ourselves huddled up together under the tent to find refuge from the rain.


Worship was fire from the start. The hunger under the tent was palpable. Jessi Green preached with passion, and then called people to line up in one of the following 4 lines depending upon what they needed: salvation, healing, deliverance, more of Holy Spirit. I went over to the more of the Holy Spirit line and prayed over hungry ones. So many fell out in the Spirit and got marked with His fire. Was beautiful to see the children getting touched too.

Later on, Jessi had Taylor sing her anointed song Like a Fog Rolling in, Consume Me song about asking God to consume us completely. Then we all sat in silence and the weighty Kabod glory increased and continued to descend upon us with increasing measure before spontaneous worship broke out.

It was so weighty, I could barely even open my eyes. Then after a while in the thick glory, worship began again with some more upbeat songs and people were dancing around. I felt so heavy though, I could barely move my legs, let alone get engage with the dancing now taking place. I was like dead weight, still heavy from the glory. I was undone. I was completely saturated in His presence and had trouble functioning after that time. I was filled to overflowing with His glory that permeated my very being.

This was one of my favorite nights of the whole tour and one where I felt the increase of God’s heavy weighty glory in a powerful way. He truly does save the best wine for last. May you too, be blessed and overshadowed in the heavy weighty kabod glory of God today. As you seek His face, may He pour out His new wine in and through your life in increasing measures. Thanks for joining us on this journey. More to come soon…

Jennifer Miskov